The Classic Collection

Liste des groupes Hard Rock Magnum (UK) The Classic Collection
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Nom du groupe Magnum (UK)
Nom de l'album The Classic Collection
Type Compilation
Date de parution 06 Fevrier 2006
Style MusicalHard Rock
Membres possèdant cet album4


1. Kingdom of Madness
2. All That Is Real
3. All Come Together
4. Changes
5. If I Could Live Forever
6. Foolish Heart
7. All of My Life (Live EP Version)
8. Back to Earth
9. Everybody Needs
10. Soldier of the Line
11. The Spirit
12. Sacred Hour (Live EP Version)
13. The Lights Burned Out
14. The Prize
15. One Night of Passion
16. The Word
17. Road to Paradise (BBC Session)
1. How Far Jerusalem
2. Just Like an Arrow
3. On a Storyteller's Night
4. Les Mort Dansant (Live)
5. All England's Eyes
6. The Last Dance
7. Lonely Night
8. Vigilante (Live)
9. Days of No Trust (Live)
10. Wild Swan (Live)
11. Start Talking Love (Live)
12. Rockin' Chair (Live)
13. Heart Broken Busted
14. Only in America ( Live)

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Magnum (UK)