Soundtracks of My Life

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Nom du groupe Blaze Bayley
Nom de l'album Soundtracks of My Life
Type Compilation
Date de parution 31 Octobre 2013
Style MusicalHeavy Metal
Membres possèdant cet album15


1. Man Who Would Not Die
2. Ghost in the Machine
3. Stare at the Sun
4. Robot
5. Kill & Destroy
6. Silicon Messiah
7. The Brave
8. The Launch
9. King of Metal (Remixed by Rick Plester)
10. Rainbow Fades to Black
11. Samurai
12. Blackmailer
13. Watching the Night Sky
14. Speed of Light
15. Soundtrack of My Life
1. Russian Holiday (Acoustic feat. Thomas Zwijsen)
2. The Clansman (Acoustic feat. Thomas Zwijsen)
3. Voices from the Past
4. Tenth Dimension
5. Blood and Belief
6. 10 Seconds
7. Leap of Faith
8. Tough as Steel (Blaze Version)
9. Comfortable in Darkness
10. Living Someone Else's Life
11. The Day I Fell to Earth
12. Motherfuckers R Us
13. Wonderful Life (Sinnergod feat. Blaze Bayley)
14. Hatred
15. Eating Children

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Blaze Bayley