An eclectic blend of worldly beats while still delivering powerful riffs and solos from a metal albu
As the album title suggest
Mass Hysteria's
Contraddiction is filled with an eclectic blend of worldly beats and rhythms while at the same time de
Livering hard driven and powerful riffs and solos that you would expect from a metal album. Songs such as Osmos '99, Attracteurs Etrangers and
Contraddiction showcase the drum and guitar driven style that is unique to
Mass Hysteria in the band's subsequent albums. The first time I heard Osmos I was entranced with the imposing sound of the the guitars but also noted the subtle backing sounds of the bass and percussion; a testament to the band's knack for innovation and blending together different sounds. In songs such as
Zion, Le Dernier Tango and Corazones Olvidados, you can hear the incorporation of various instruments not typically associated with metal. Corazones Olvidados is especially noteworthy as it is sung in various languages and uses oriental instruments almost reminiscent of a
Led Zeppelin session. Whether you prefer classic or a more hardcore style of metal, this album does it all.
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