No World for Tomorrow

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Nazwa zespołu Coheed And Cambria
Tytuł płyty No World for Tomorrow
Type Album
Data wpisu 2007
Gatunek muzycznyProgressive Metal
Tylu użytkowników posiada ten album74


1. The Reaping
2. No World for Tomorrow
3. The Hound (Of Blood and Rank)
4. Feathers
5. The Running Free
6. Mother Superior
7. Gravemakers and Gunslingers
8. Justice In Murder
- The End complete -
9. I - The Fall of House Atlantic
10. II - Radio Bye Bye
11. III - The End Complete
12. IV - The Road and the Damned
13. V - On the Brink
1. The Making of No World Tommorow
2. Mother Superior
3. Cuts Marked In the March of Men
4. A Favor House Atlantic
5. From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness
6. The Suffering
7. Always & Never / Welcome Home
8. Tour Photo Album

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Coheed And Cambria

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Artykuł @ Vinrock666

15 Lipiec 2008
Coheed and Cambria's 2007 LP "No World For Tomorow" plays out like an olympian going for the gold in the rock, metal, and alternative categories.

The hardest track "The End Complete" has quite an ending in its own right with some mad drumming and a most metallic end riff :
"On The Brink" turns 180 degrees and ends the album on a slow, soft, and somber note - echoing the kind of tones Pink Floyd would appreciate.
"The Road and the Damned" is perhaps the most overt in signaling the end of their epic with its sweeping chorus and wailing guitar as if credits were actually rolling in your mind.
Really, no less than five songs comprise "The End Complete" making this quintuplet the grandest ending ever.

After wallowing through the shallow intro "The reaping" and the first couple of songs, the best parts of the album can be found in the middle of the disc. Those first songs, "No World for Tomorrow" and "The Hound (of Blood And Rank)" sets up the listener for a hard rock sound which is to follow.
The best song on the album then is "Feathers" with its opening California rock riff emoting a happy, light, and sunny feel.
"The Running Free" and "Mother Superior" follow suit with perhaps the best overall songwriting and vocal arrangements.
These three tracks are great compositions because they feel most like songs : catchy choruses, easy to remember and fun to sing along to.

This isn't to say that Coheed And Cambria have gone soft, rather, these songs just highlight the progression from spacey and artsy to a harder, more concrete formula to how good songs should be written and played.
The only criticism for "No World for Tomorrow" would be that lyrically it doens't bite at you with any stark lines of dark poetry, but then again it seems that the music this time around was to be the main focal point, which would make the words consciously background. The best compliment then could be that Coheed and Cambria's "No World for Tomorrow" reaches out to a multiple range of audiences successfully, without compromising their style or single brand of music.

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