Forever Abomination

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Nazwa zespołu Skeletonwitch
Tytuł płyty Forever Abomination
Type Album
Data wpisu 07 Październik 2011
Gatunek muzycznyThrash Death
Tylu użytkowników posiada ten album76


 This Horrifying Force (The Desire to Kill)
 Reduced to the Failure of Prayer
 Of Ash and Torment
 Choke Upon Betrayal
 Erased and Forgotten
 The Infernal Resurrection
 Rejoice in Misery
 Cleaver of Souls
 Shredding Sacred Flesh
 Sink Beneath Insanity
 My Skin of Deceit

Total playing time: 32:06

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Komentarz @ Crinn

19 Grudzień 2011

Skeletonwitch's best album yet

[Originally posted December 11, 2011]

The progressive black metal monsters are back, and with more power than ever! I was glad that I heard about this release when I did because I never paid very much attention to this band except for having Breathing in the Fire. But when I saw a post on Metal Injection saying that this was one of the best albums that he had ever heard, I had to give it a listen! And I will tell you, I am so glad that I did, in fact, I just bought a physical copy of the album about two weeks ago. Skeletonwitch has always been known as one of the black metal bands that are ever expanding the black metal genre proving that limits is but a mere myth.

Skeletonwitch is most known for incorporating thrash metal into their unique black metal sound. But they have also added in many acoustic folk sounds, breakdowns, and even some death metal into their music. In this album, the band chose to drift away from their thrash black sound a little bit to explore new realms of experimentation. One of the genres that they have been adding more of is melodic death; this is most noticeable in the first song and “Shredding Sacred Flesh.”

Now I’m not the most knowledgeable about this band, but I do know the general size of their enormous fan base. After hearing this album, I decided to download their other stuff and was actually kind of disappointed on how low the awesomeness factor was compared to Forever Abomination. One album that Forever Abomination relates very closely to is The Epigenesis by the Israeli black metallers Melechesh.

The vocals are really good for black metal, but they won’t really work for anything else if the vocalist tried using his vocals in a different kind of metal band. The drums have a really thick sound that has a lot of bass in the kickdrums, but sounds fairly mediocre concerning the rest of the set. I do feel that the guitars could use to have a different sounding distortion on some of the songs. It kind of bothers me sometimes that bands use same exact guitar distortion on every song on the album, but the distortion differs with each album. I would like to see some variety and experimentation expressed regarding the distortion on the guitars. I also like it when there is some distortion put on the bass guitar, the raw sound of the bass differs depending on what type of bass it is. In this case, I don’t really like the raw sound of the bass, so it could use some buzz.

The sound production of this album is good. This album is by far Skeletonwitch’s best and definitely deserves a good listen, especially for those of you that have not yet been impressed by their older stuff. I’m really looking forward to what they have in store for next time. I would give this album 16/20.

6 Komentarze

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Crinn - 04 Listopad 2012: even though I do mention that they fuse black metal and thrash metal in my review.
miniradman - 04 Listopad 2012: Are you familiar with the concept of "progressive"?

Because the way you've used the term contextually seems to be a little confusing at times, lol.
Crinn - 04 Listopad 2012: Of course I'm familiar with the term and concept.
Crinn - 04 Listopad 2012: This review was written over a year ago, you and I both know that my reviews have gotten exponentially better since then
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