Ophthalamia : Via Dolorosa

Black Metal / Sweden
(1995 - Avantgarde Music)
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Overwhelming are the trees so great and tall
Everlasting is the rain that from the sky falls
Grey and cold is the gloomy Ophthalamian sky
It's under that majestic sky I'm ready to die

Overwhelming are the mountains so great and tall
Hear the wind's burning desire and its sad call
Black domains are ruled by black minds in the night
Behold Ophthalamian so fearsome in its might
To live and to die under Ophthalamian sky


Forest of evergreen stories,
Where the trees hide a dying sky
The cemetaries within our hearts
That grow as they're fed
Welcome to the dying one of mine, soon it'll burst
The humger of my eyes will fill my thirsty blade
Now that I speak of lust hear my voice as a scream of doom
Watch the funerals of all mortals that died by my hand

A voice filled with silence raises
From the black of the rotting trees
Dawn bind hear with your beauty
And let me feel her moisture
The solitary wind that whispers
Gently awakes the frosty fields
Fading morning sun enslaves her nakedness into oblivion

Feel my greedy hands,

Holding their grasp around your breasts
You are raped by loneliness,
Betrayed by the cause of itself
Do not cry my child, for the tears will burn your soul

Your sorrowfilled grave I will close
Fill your heart with dust and age

The automn will and for ages follow thy whisper of mine
At the bed of leaves where your life lies upon

The pounding heart of my automn will rejoice to your cries
Now countess pure, goodness and virginity,
Hear us forge our lies

Dead leaves falling in your eyes
Witnessing your choking last breath
Together with the tune of your dying cries
'Cause I'm black as sin and pale as death

Oh Yeah!
The distant mountain range
With its wisdom of an age from beyond
Make her obey and yes, let her fill she's filled with me
Rain stare at a coming sleep
And let our lips feel your blood
Weaker are our eyes
Or is it just your memory coming to life?

The grass is not blind, so feel its every twitch
You're raped by my evil, betrayed by your fucking God
The grave is filled, Sic transit gloria mundi!

Disperse your weak ones for here I'm coming forth... Ha Ha!

Walk with me automn for you and I are made to hate

Do let the leaves fill your skin
They do want your exitment


The old walls shook of thunder seems ages ago
There's only victory in the wardrums triumphant speech

At last

Legion my name is together under mighty conspiracy advance
Sharpen thy sword, the throne of ruins is mine

Over it is

I've strangled the truth and hidden the lie
Towers of wisdom have been beyond and
Are possessed by true hate

My breath has left and my face won't reveal
I won't listen nor react, no need to try

After a releasing death

Pain for us



I hereby raise a monument over my brothers' death
And I'll carry his burdens mystery


A snow of ancient art lies heavy on this barren land
Falling down in a wide whirling inferno of celestial orgasm
Don't they see the embryos quiet swile
Or my nails in the behind of her?

Groan at the blizzard
Drink a cup of midnight kiss
Abandonned and pregnant she is

Daughters and Sons
Don't you see your mother is lying forgotten in the snow?
Buried in its long pale wedding dress of winter
Drenched in the secret of jesus christ's pitiful god

HA! Lady born of good
She's tight as a nun
Oh spirit of naked fun

The winter night smiles at your beauty
There is no white birth only black death
Watch a bloody grin cut you in two
In the snowdrift crucified by a weak humanity

All of you innocent will be punished
Let me feed your cunt at the ocean of rapes
Behold my wrath as I gently crack your hips
Hear my starved sigh slowly passing the frostlands

Creeps lie still in your cradle
And i'll make you sleep at fullmoon
Sodomy, depressions, war and hate follow me to conquer
I will hold you in my cloak
And feed you with my dagger of lies

Little one nothing is fair
She's at her very last
In these lands so vast

Swollow my spirit!
For do they know who I am
Or whom i've been somewhere in a distant past?
The froth freezes on my lips as I see the red room
Lie wide, open up, let me touch and let me kill

At this attic of the lost
My stare of empty and ice
And those crystal tears from your eyes

Watch the snow turn red
And my brother is my daughter
The mother's worthless body lies cold
Lift your cups for Satan smiles


Spring colour my world
And its soulless body with this hate for life of death
From the dying snow
I feel the dripping water reborn my breath
The first flight of the butterfly
Reminds me about my hate for life
Stronger death is than love
For that your destiny is my knife

Oak, popular, pine and birch,
Alder hear my immortality demand
Leafy white bearded woods
Hungry I am for his majestic king of the hillsides has

Grown green again

Under this rock, under that cliff
The sparkling frozen burnt
Mandrake rise now 'cause the beheaded sing

The heartbeat of the fungus and the anemony
Will be liquitated
Earthworms chill in the lichen foggy ground and the
Insects breathe, evil sprout

This is the nightfall of the wolf
Howling blasphemes in the
Night just like in the past

I am Megalomania the Diabolic,
A stormruler of the southern borns
And I command generation of legions
In my ultimate magnificence
I do have no tears, I do have no funcken fear
On this battle my princess I will be your berseck

Undress my bride and let us feed upon lust
My precious whore I'm delighted by your pain
Oh beloved, trust you must never do
Your scream is heard but nothing they can do

Lie upon this mossgrown altar
and the dewdrops wet will feel your heat
Be my Bathori, my Nosferatu, my black evil witch
My delighted disciple

In your arms I will love
In your arms I will hate
Daughter, this sacrifice is for you

A black shape of Satan
Watches our darkened desires, join him
As a bat on the black sky
The shadow of Evil spreads over this world

Sun won't set you free
Heading for the dark
Detta er upprum vonsku

"Pi engar si grona, under himlen si mork
Ute I det skona, vid nyvakinad bjork
Virnattens sista timma, for med sig ditt namn
Pi detta felt av dimma, forenas vi I gronskans famn
Endast mine och stjernor, mitt onda beger vet

Sisom eldens vilda ternor, k+rleken falsk gor dig het
Mitt viroffer du er, blodet frin ditt vita skote
Din sjel slits iser, doden dig har kommit til motes"

On a meadows so green, under the dark sky
Out in the beautiful, by newly awakened birch
The last hour of the springnight, carries your name
On this field of mist, we unite in the embrace of the green
Only the moon and the stars my evil desire knows
Like the wild brides of fire, false love makes you warm
You are my sacrifice to spring, the blood from your wet cunt
Your soul tars apart, death has come for you


(Kapitel I: Gri doden gor sig sedd)

Lingt, lingt nere I bergets svarta djupa salar
Der de morka skuggorna tysta smyger och vesande talar
Der trollmor slickar sina blodiga h+nder
Der I vattnet han ventar som en tuva med ogon som brender
Du hans krafter ej beger kenner; synd or skam
For nu kryper den gri doden ur sitt gomstelle fram

I vattnet si svart han som ett dott tred flyter
Han fram ur sin hila endast kommer n+r dagen tryter
Var forsiktig du vandrare
For linga knotiga fingrar dig annars tar
I den porlande b+cken han som nattens kung far
Ett litet steg fel och du hos Gri doden hammar
Med d-dens grepp han dig mer en gerna omfammar

O+ndliga skogar I morkret sig sprida
I Ophthalamias Satans natt du skall lida
Dunkla skuggor treden over dig kastar
Bli ej forford av nattens onda gastar

Efter denna natt solen for digej lysa mer
Han skall dra dig I det bottenlosa djupet ner
Natten bloder svart mine dess oga er
Lingt bort I fjerran och her dig alldeles ner
Viskande, vesande, manande han dig befalla
Lengre och lengre ut I natten den kalla

Noglur bitir rifa dig sundur, poka grar pig vil faxma
Augu leita, nefi vixra,
Bixdu fyrir lifnu xinu, xig hlifa hann ekki

(Kapitel II: Blott ett byte for gri doden du er)

Gi vidare och lyssna icke till de dodas drenkta grit
Ingen klara sig ur Gri doden grepp si vit
Svarta djevlarde skratta I natten
De leva som han I detta onda doda vatten

Med sitt linga toviga hir han dig kommer att strypa
Infor denna urminnes skepnad in skall komma att krypa

Akta sig noga for denna gri satan, for dig han vill ha
Om onda ogon du I morkret ser,
Vend annars dig han skall ta
Tre minar roat hans dystra dodslek nakttar
Han mingen ging verre er,
En dolken som i dit hjerta skar
Om din vandring du vill fortsetta lysna di till mitt ord
Fortsiktig genom skogen dig ta, leta sedan efter din hjord

Fjallin hi ber vix himmin svartur dalur djupir augna yndi
Er xax sem fagur er enir gildra er, svo varaxu xig einir
Dokkur myrkrix skuggi reisa sig yfir heiminn

(chapter i - the grey death appears)

Deep down in the black halls of the mountains
Where the dark shadows silently sneaks and hissently speaks
Where mother troll licks her bloody hands
There in the water he awaits like a tuft with eyes of fire
His power nor desire you know, pity and shame
From his hidingplace the Grey death now creepingly appears

He floats like a dead tree in the water so black
He appears from his den only when day turns to night
Be careful, o wanderer,
Long and bony fingers will otherwise thou take
In the rippling brook he travels as the king of the night
One false step and you beside the Grey death will end
He is more than willing
To embrace you with the grip of death

Eternal forests spreads in the dark
You shall suffer in Ophthalamias satanic night
The trees throw obscure shadows over you
Do not get seduced by the evil ghosts of the night

After this night,
The sun for you shall shine no more
He will pull you down to his bottomless depth
The night bleeds black, the moon is it's eye
Far away in the distance and here you very near
Whispering, hissently, calling upon, he you command
Further and further into the cold night

Sharp nails you tear apart
Grey mist will embrace you
Eyes seek nose sniff
Pray for your life, he won't spare you

(Chapter II - You are only prey for the Grey death)

Walk further and do not listen to the cries of the dead
Noone will make it through the Grey death's grip, so wet
Black devils laugh in the night
They live in this evil, dead water just like him
With this long tangled hair he will strangle you
In front of this ancient shape you will have to crawl

He wants you, so beware of this grey Satan
If you in the darkness evil eyes see,
Turn black, otherwise he'll get you
Three moons amused his gloomy deathplay observes
Many times worse he is
Than the dagger that through your heart cut
If your walk you wish to continue, then listen to my word
Wander carefully through the woods,
Then search for your horde


High mountains against a black sky
Deep valleys a delight for the eye are
Beauty a trap is, so beware
A dark majestic shadow rises over the world


Lenge jag I sommarhettans dagar sokt men dig ej funnit
Kempat, trelat och I solens blendande sken jag brunnit
VI mi odslat vira liv men VI even en dod var vunnit
Dig, Elishia skall jag finna vart du en har forsvunnit

irstider de alla igenom jag vaktar med
Leende si stort, jag herskar over allt
Moder jord nu domer VI dig doden
Si som VI alla andra kommer att do

Tillsammans skall VI herska
Moder jord...
Skall I vira hender do

Elishia, dotter av de tre minarna
Skall jaga I natten tillsammans med mig
Och ner VI gjort virt kall si senk oss I vir grav
Djupt, djupt I doden ned

Himmel bli och ljuv sommareng
Lit er vaggas I ondskans seng
Svarta slojor, svarta lovverk
Undergingen nalkas si lit oss gi

Det stilla regnet faller I natten
Si er rymden I sin saknad
Svarta tirar, svart tomhet
En sista kyss si smeksam och mjuk

Den eviga vandringen I den utvaldes morkaste tankar
Pi kaaotaonuus strender,
Der slott som evigt trasiga stir
Du ljuset son si liten,
Dig jag isamka denna smerta
Kallad sorg...
...En resa I morkret...

Moder jord, Elishia och jag dig skall setta I brand
VI skall sedan fornedra och vildfora oss pi land efter land
Elishia VI skall vandra I detta krigets herjartig hand I hand
VI som Satan tjenar er forenade med de starkaste band

Vacker... Sommaren for andra mi vara
Jag... Endast vill doda och do

VI vandrat den ensamma vegen si mork
Si okeng och farlig for er andra
Ni oss aldrig kommer att forsti
VI dyrkar doden och ondskans makt
De falsa skall falla for vira fotter
Smi menniskor, VI era hersare er

The shadow went longer until darkness became complete
The superior humans so proud came forward

I have been searching for you in long days of summerheat
But you I have not found
Struggling, enslaving and the in the dazzling glare of the sun
I have burned
We may have waste our lives but a death we have won
Elishia, you I shall find wherever you have gone

Through all the seasons I guard
With a smile so big, I rule everything
Mother earth we now punish you to death
Just like all of us are going to die

Together we shall rule
Mother earth...
In our hands shall die

Elishia, daughter of the three moons
Shall hunt together with me in the night
When our call is over, lower us down to our graves
Deep, deep down into our death

Sky blue and sweet summermeadow
Let yourself be rocked in the bed of evil
Black veils, Black leafage
Run approaches, so let us go
The silent rain falls in the night
So quiet is the space in it's lack
Black tears, black emptiness
A last kiss, so caressing and soft

The eternal walk
In the darkest thought of the chosen
On the shores of the Kaa-Ta-Nu
Where the castles of no repair stands
You little child of light
I give you this pain called sorrow...
A journey into darkness...

Mother earth, Elishia and I, you shall put into flames
Then we will humiliate and rape land after land
Elishia we shall wander in this ravaging army of war,
Hand in hand
We who Satan serve are linked with the strongest of bonds

Beautiful... Summer for the others may be
I... Only want to kill and die

We have wandered the lonely road so dark
So unknown and dangerous for you others
You will never understand us
We worship death and power of evil
The false ones will fall at our feets
Small humans, your rules we are
The shadows went longer until darkness became complete
The superior humans so proud came forward


Sanningen med livet er doden
Ljuga allt annat for dig kan
Och I den djupaste noden
Du livsgnistan aldrig mer fann

Ensam jag slutet kommer att mota
Sisom jag ensam hittills varit
Livet pi mitt hjerta skall nota

The truth in life is death
Everything else for you can lie
And in the deepest distress
The sparkle of life you never found again

The end I will face alone
Like I alone have been until now
Life on my heart shall wear
Until I have traveled enough on the sea of life


My dark eyes watch the landscapes frozen stillness
The beautiful silent domains which he rules
The cold wind grabs my long hair
Like it wants to carry me with it to the darker marks

I walk through deep snow
I'll wander endlessly
Searching for my master
I must march until death
I'll wander endlessly
'til my soul takes over

Will I ever reach my wonders end?
Penetrate the darkness
So much land that I've put behind my back
When will I sit at his throne?

I watch the darkened domains and pass
By making the ceremony of the true
My feet are swollen blue
Of the wolf biting icy cold

I stab my dagger through my unpure heart
The sky has turned backwards - the moon is my eye
I'm neverending floating away like a dim sculpture
In the lands where I once was born

I'm fading but never...
I'm fading but never...


Demonic laughter your cremation
Your lungs gasp for air but are filled with blood
A sudden crack as I crushed your skull

The remind of your life flashes by
A life that soon won't be
Smiling with axe in my hand
Evil's rotten hand you'll see

I come forward

I'll send you to your maker
I'll send you to your death
Death nicely crucified
Death, heads on stakes

The barbeque has just begun
Deathcrush - Deathcrush - Deathcrush

Crush - Crush

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