Fabulae Dramatis : Om

Progressive Metal / Belgium
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Fortress built with impetuousness
Sepia walls against human dread
A place to protect the empire
The prison, the artifice of our battles

Enormous fear sculptured
By the men’s insolence
Supported by gods and time
Cronos’ eroded hand

An imposing dead creation
Of unbreakable face shield
A petrified mantle made to
The measure of our weakness

Drown in its perished density
Preserving sublime stone

Materialised arrogance
To move apart humankind
Specified by colour and price
Every culture loses its temperance

Anthropocentric fables…

Noyée dans sa densité périssante
Préservant la pierre sublime
Dans l’acte de sa terreur
Elle prétend à s’effondrer

In the act of its terror
Claims to collapse

…To rape innocent minds
A lullaby to soothe your pride
The sun turns around us
Until the opposite is verified!


Alack! oh beautiful auld lang syne!
Æsthete knight
Knight from the bosk
Where I bemuse to the trees
With my bemoaning.
I bethink the sounds of the swords
I could not save his life
Woe is me!

The waylayer fathomed his bosom
Perfidious man he’s in war.
He left to the inferno
My brave warlike…

“The obscure of evil coverth my sword,
The enemy defeath me,
Oh! walkirya come to me…
Only in walhalla will I rest in peace”.

He left.


Two hundred years, roaming the world
Forgetting the way they told me
All the fairy tales are lies
Still reaching for something
That never was mine

In a silent dream, I saw the world
It burned, I never thought we were so lost
It’s a labyrinth

Why are you so cruel?
Don’t you see the transparency of these walls
It is a smile, a touch
Throughout time, I wander
Just as you do
And I watch you

We’re living a lie!

No escape, and no way out

If you stride along these glassy walls
We belong here, no tide to turn

Unfold our wings, stride, walk
Beneath the mirror walls
Our hearts beat

And just like us, they’ll never find
The way to solve the labyrinth.


„Lat belíben den mortlîchen zorn”…

…Hat mir der weise gesagt

Der duft der wut
Ertränkt mich
Leichend sind meine Hände

Der duft der wut

Lange zeit habe ich die trägheit
Wie ein kleid getragen

Lange zeit habe ich die trägheit
Wie ein kleid getragen, ach!

Die wunden
Quellen aus meiner haut hervor
Aber die sterne glänzen immer noch
Ich fühle keinen schmerz

Für meinen geist
Besthet lebensgefahr
In der dunkelheit

Vergesst mich nicht, meister!
Weisheit ist tot
Nichts überlebt in der traurigkeit

„Dîn úbermuot dich hát betrogen”.


Hear the ancient battle!
A churned ocean’s invasion

A poisoned elixir’s egression

Lord of destruction
Immersed in placid opium
Dance to the rhythm of drums
Oblivious of the world
Om namah shivaya

A poisoned elixir
Overflows my throat
A destructive nectar
Of deepest darkest notes

Dissolve to create!
Death is a fact of birth
The samsara turns
Through consciousness

The intent of immortality
Of devas and asuras
Unveil the misery

Lord of destruction
Immersed in placid opium
Dance to the rhythm of drums.



Dost thou desire my ancient flesh
Tasteless flavour of emptinessI saw the montain’s arise
And grew up nodes into life


Keje’ k’ut xa u k’ ajol,
Keje’ ri u chub’
U k’axaj
U k’ oje’ ik
We u k’ajol ajaw,
We puch u k’ajol na’ol,
Aj ucha’n


Thus merely his son,
Like his saliva
His spittle
His essence
I do desire it
If his son lord,
If also his son sage,
Master of speech
I do desire it
Narrator In pernicious fury burns her father’s pride
Death is the price of dishonour


Lascivious fluid drop on thine hand
Distilled substance of immaculate kind
Narrator sacred oils of hidden virtue
Overwhelm thine chaste womb
A fallacious fruit as hart
Shalt thou give as sacrifice!


Lascivious fluid drop on thine hand
Distilled substance of immaculate kind


Falaz efigie, fruto de grana
Arde flamígero, inefable
Corazón sangrante
Brotando en savia invulnerable.


Fallacious effigy, scarlet fruit
Burns flaming, ineffable
Bleeding heart
Sprouting in invulnerable sap.


The haze of night
Far moon rose
Above the trees
No sleep for us
We need to rest
We need to find
The way to reach the clearing

I can not breathe
Until this stops
Within myself
I’m fighting
To believe

This is not over
You´re walking this fuzzy line
This is your vigil
Hold on, ’till it’s time

- Are we lost
- In this fight?
- Will we find the day?
- There’s no other way.
- Deception!
- Listen to me!

This is not over
You’re locked in uncertain line
This is your vigil
Hold on, ’till it’s time.


Jaya râdha-mâdhava kuñja-bihârî
Gopî-jana-vallabha, giri-vara-dhârî
Yas’odâ-nandana braja-jana-rañjana


All the glories to râdhâ and mâdhava’s divine pastimes
The lord of the gopis lifted the govardhan hill
Dear to yasoda, loved in vrindâvana
At the yamunâ, he wanders in the woods.


Frialdad del invierno
Ruge rebosante voraz
Hambre y sed
Rostro demacrado

Montañas blancas
La nieve en la estepa
La diva duerme…

Sicut leo rugiens

…La hija del viento se cierne

Circuit quaerens quem devoret
Quaerens, quaerens quem devoret
El cierzo…
Quaerens, quaerens quem devoret

Un soplido del cielo
Un arranque del tiempo
La espera el desespero
Despierta la bestia

Descubre su cuerpo
Inhala su aliento.
El grito macabro
De dientes punzantes
De sangre bermeja

Descubre su cuerpo
Inhala su aliento

Quaerens, quaerens quem devoret

Estalla en ira
Devora la presa.


Зээргэнэтийн шилд
Зэрлэг буга л урамдана
Зэрэгцүүлэн өсгөсөн
Их бага хоёр загал морь
Их л загал нь байзаарай
Ижил л юундаа яараа вэ хө


In the pasture of savage deer of downhill of “zeergent”,
My big and small horses are bred together.
Please wait, my big horse, are you in a hurry to see your Mate?
Please wait, my small horse, why are you in such a hurry?
Let me wait untill the snow melts and the deer of taiga Bells.
Let me wait untill the cuckoo and birds sing
And the blue fog diminishes.

lyrics added by kit36 - Modify this lyrics