Do Or Die : The Meaning of Honor

Hardcore / Belgium
(2002 - Century Media / I Scream Records)
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Families set apart
Woken up with a start
Like a scream in the night
The sound of a fight

Singles or couples
Seized like animals
Fugitives were shot
Killed on the spot

Invading enemies
Conquered territories
Military Breakthrough

On the run for freedom
Hiding for survival
Concentration camp

Guarding watch tramp
Packed out shacks
Only the strongest survive

Days and night in a cage
Locked and exploited
The destiny of a slave

Chorus - Breakthrough (x2) - Chorus

Massive internment
Rude confinement
Broken up families
Piled up dead bodies

65 Years Of Respect, Blood And Pride;
We belong to our families
& so does our blood
And for them we would shed it ...
without a moment´s hesitation

Gathering our 2 lines ...
Was a success thanks to ...
the maturity and ...
respect of our elders

It´s been 65 years ...
that our bloods were blended ...
and our families grow ...
larger and stronger
year ... after ... year

When the little Iano ...
was brought in the world ...
the alliance was forged

We all have the same roots ...
and the same origins ...
their source lies in the blood,
red like vengeance and the ...
honor of our fathers

By hearing our music ...
the ones who know us know ...
who are the leaders,
and they know who beat time

Lu canto famigliare spargi
violence e terrore pi li nostri nimici
Pace e calore pi li nostri amici
Fierta e onore pi nostri fratelli e sorelle

Born on an island
in the middle of nowhere,
our renown
has now crossed the borders,
and the name of the
family is mentioned
with respect everywhere

Na nostra famiglia
Non´ pardoniamo mai
Na nostra famiglia
Si vivi onoratamente
Na nostra famiglia
Non´ naviemo pieta
Na nostra famiglia
Si vivi onoratamente

At home, we don´t talk because
walls have ears, and as
our fathers used to say,
a man who doesn´t talk much
is a man who knows ...

na nostra famiglia

Seven days, was all they wrote
I thought the field had clerared
Another suit challenged me
I have to make a choice
They´re not bluffing this time
It´s plain to see, it´s them or me

It makes me think
Seven days
will quickly go
Seven days
So many ways
I can´t run away

What they said keeps ringing in my head
I need some time ...
need one more chance ...

Monday, I could wait till
Tuesday If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine
Thursday´s on my mind
Friday´d give me time
Saturday could wait
But Sunday´d be too late
Does it bother me ?

someone to talk to
when I get down
I won´t run away
No place to run
No place to hide

I´m not blind
Though I know there´s no way ...
to bring back yesterday

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, But Sunday´d be too late

Monday, I could wait till
Tuesday If I make up my mind
Wednesday would be fine
Thursday´s on my mind
Friday´d give me time
Saturday could wait
But Sunday´d be too late
Does it bother me ?

I don´t care about
what people say
I still believe in myself
I still go
my own way
I don´t know if it´s right or wrong
I just feel confused and
my thoughts go away

The Winning Card;
Spend my life looking for something
What it is I don´t know ; Looking for happiness
I found sorrow ; This place must be hell

You gotta know the rules
I´m slowly losing my mind
I´ve suffered hard
can´t take the pain no more

I´m gonna break these chains
I´ve got bad things on my mind
Spent my time breaking rules

That´s a fact i like to gamble
But this time i won´t lose

Life´s a struggle
Life´s a game

I made it through the hard times
I got nothing left to lose
so many things i can´t explain
life´s a bitch & then you die

Darkened Skies;
Mysteries and secrets, deep inside us
The last creation of an ancient kind
Nuclear testing under the sun
Black rain and death left behind

Mysteries and secrets, deep inside us
The last creation of an ancient kind
Nuclear testing under the sun
Black rain and death left behind

Darkened skies, darkened skies

And for the next generations
Life under darkened skies ?
Man´s new doctrine
A fast and total destruction !

Mysteries and secrets, deep inside us
The last intrusion of the human kind
In the natural order
And life will disappear
Under our darkened skies

And for the next generations
Life under darkened skies ?
And for the next generations
Life under darkened skies ?

Bella Famiglia;
Blood will follow blood
But not in the name of god
Come my friend and you will see
What means for us family

Facing us, no compromise
Between us, no place for lies
Facing us, you won´t survive
Between us, it´s do or die

There´s a time for life
and a thousand ways to die
the thing that makes us strong
we think and fight as one

Tears will follow tears
For old friends disappeared
Come my friend and you will see
What means for us unity

Full of love, full of respect
For your bro, your mom, your dad
Always honest with your friends
With yourself from birth till death

Full of love, full of respect
For your bro, your mom, your dad
Always honest with your friends
With yourself from birth till death

Che un´ tempu´ pi viviri e
Mille sorte pi murire
Cosa canni fannu´ forti
e pinsare e cummattere
Come una ! Bella famiglia !!!

Blackened soul;
Here i am, I have nothing to prove
Right now, there´s nothing left to loose
My only desire is to stay with you

But my ego told me to kill you too
I am not afraid of the consequences
There´s a conflict between me
and my conscience
I´m known as the sickest one around

The fuckin´ mad one who can bring you down
But remember for ever I´m your friend
Even if forever means your own end !

Cause like death I´m insane and unstable
And like poison, I can be sweet but horrible
If your soul is as cold and dark as mine
So join me at the table !!!

Confusion´s in my veins
Eternal hate´s by my side
Deeply blinded by pain
From me you cannot hide

The Meaning Of Honor;
You were born and raised to take care
of the members
of your family and lead them on the right way

Crossing your native land
You learned and understood
the meaning of honor

Now you are one of them because
of blood and honor
and to hunt unworthy traitors

To found the rules of the family
Laws of honor and war
Major and minor and criminal too

Honor and war

Respect - love - honor - famiglia
Respect - love - honor - famiglia

We all live honourably in our family
- honor and
respect are laws
and treason is not forgiven

Laws of blood and silence, passed down
from father to son
- these are the laws of the family

Respect - love - honor - famiglia
Respect - love - honor - famiglia

Respect of values is essential ...

Angel Of Pain, Demons Of War;
Show me the way to defeat my stronger enemy
Send me the power of hate
the demons of flesh
Your justice is done, friendship is gone
this world is ruled by the gods of war

Angry eyes, narrow minds
We´re facing the beginning of
a new century with death in our eyes

Mankind is trapped in a nightmare of freedom
Entering darkness, light left behind
we are the witnesses of the downfall of humanity

Angry eyes, narrow minds
We´re facing the beginning of
a new century with death in our eyes

Angels of pain, demons of war
Angels of pain, demons of war

The skies are crying, the earth is bleeding
The tears of the god they loved ?
A tide of lies !
Our last temple is a temple of flesh
deep in our hearts
where evil is waiting
waiting for the demons of intolerance ...
where evil is waiting
waiting for the demons of intolerance ...

I´m the only master of my destiny;
Cornered in the cold side of life
Trapped into this world of lies

the world´s upside down
Dreams are falling to pieces
there´s no more hope to be found
Searching the strength to resist

Sometimes the world´s against me
You think you know what´s good for me

I don´t ask anything
I don´t wanna be locked
for life in the cage you have set up for me

This time I turn
- I keep my eyes wide open
You think you know what´s good for me

Till my last breath - for freedom - I will stand
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will fight
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will stand
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will fight

I try - I learn - I live - I will make it
A new era has come
I´m the only master of my destiny

Till my last breath - for freedom - I will stand
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will fight
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will stand
Till my last breath - for freedom - I will fight

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