Bonecarver : Evil

Deathcore / Espagne
(2021 - Unique Leader Records)
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The emptiness devours my insides
Another bitter day hidden in the shadows
Four gray walls take me away from reality
Gloomy thoughts and raw memories cloud my mind
The rain in my window reminds me of what we are made of
My demons push me into the abyss
Surrounded by strangers whose stories I know better than myself
The flame of hope is fading
I am a faded memory in their rotten minds that will soon disappear
They were always dead for me
But it's time for their soul to rest in peace
This is the day when the sheep tears the wolf apart
The squid strangles the shark
And the blossoms poison the swarms
I will wear black forever and never be eclipsed again
Now I walk towards the dark loneliness
I'm addicted to that sweet feeling
There is no turning back, there is no forgiveness
A bullet pierces your head breaking through your memories turned to blood that slowly spill on
The ground where I can now see my cold and pale reflection


Souls who will be lucky to see what's beyond
Minds that can discover the new way of life called death

This is not a simple ending if we look at it from the right side
Eyes that can see bloody rotten flesh scattered to the horizon overflown by vultures
Drifting memories that will end up lost in time

A future based on the philosophy of fear created by those who fear philosophy
Hunger! Disease!
Streets crammed with inferior creatures of God
Streets crammed with inferior creatures of God

No mercy, slow deaths
Enough blood to fill the cups of the winners
The agony, the tragedy
It's now the secret of harmony
It's the way to salvation

On the side of life there is only room for perfection
The defective must wait underground with the reckless

When the sun rises this world will be worth it
The human defect will have disappeared
No one else can prevent this perfect destiny
Meanwhile we will dig the graves of the defiant
No redemption for this extermination


I smell rot / Flesh infested with worms / It's time to follow the scythe.
Diseases reign in these times. Rotten black skins falls to the ground.
The cultures are irrigated with infected blood.
Everything you eat.
Everything you breathe soon will end in irreversible cancer.
Black smoke comes from underworld to invade the heavens.
The hell you are in... / The hell you are in... / This is hell...this is the hell you are in...
The demons never came up from hell.
They were always there.
Mass suicides is the only hope we have.
At least I know I can't go to hell.
Scattered brains.
Tangled guts.
Cries of despair before impact.
Misanthropy leads you to necroscopy.
You will never cross the line of immortality.
There is no solution. We must leave this world.
No absolution.
One more day in this cold hell.
One more night in this large cell.
I opened the gates towards my loneliness.
I built the bridge to my suffering.
The blood starts to run.
Grim reaper is near.
I walk alone through a field of corpses.
I smell rot / Flesh infested with worms / It's time to follow the scythe.
I don't intend to keep running away.
I'm ready to go.
I follow the steps of the hooded but without chains...
Everything becomes darker and darker / Now I feel the cold / My heart... no longer beats.


Fear in their eyes.
Ignorance in their minds.
Fire in their hearts.
The ashes cover the lands.
Impossible things happen, that's why she is sentenced to burn.
The children are taken from their homes to meet the devil.
He is coming to take what is his.
A hellish heat will go through your body while they dance by the fire in the gloomy light of the moon.
Sulfur arises from the ground, I welcome the lord.
I have seen the death of a thousand generations and I still remember her jaws disengaged by pain, the mark of his nails engraved on the wood and their irritating cries of suffering.
Dark and bloody tragedies happen inside the forest invaded by snakes.
I will rot your crops, I will make your children sick, goats and pigs will rise to slaughter you.
We are the ones who will bring hatred.
We are the ones who will bring the disease.
Where is.. Your faith... / Everything fades and shadows make their way.
Where is.. Your faith... / The dead come out of their old graves.
So much time hidden / So long pretending.
I am reborn from the blood of your sons / I am reborn from the blood of your sons.
I will rot your crops, I will make your children sick, goats and pigs will rise to slaughter you.
We are the ones who will bring hatred.
We are the ones who will bring the disease.
The hammer of the witches will crush these holy lands.
The lies will be returned to you with eternal fire.
We will sweep your ashes with our brooms.
We'll never be hanging from the trees again.
Two hundred and fifty-six pages will not rid you of evil.
The churches will collapse and the priests will serve the lord.
The hunter becomes the prey.
The condemned become your punishment.
A storm is coming.
The hail covers your heads with deep holes.
Isolation and death for the saints who once tried to burn our naked bodies.
Who once humiliated us and then hanged us.
We are the gate that takes you away from destruction and soon they will open.
I will rot your crops, I will make your children sick, goats and pigs will rise to slaughter you.
We are the ones who will bring hatred.
We are the ones who will bring the disease.


An unusual flash brings misfortune to Earth
The ground trembles with its impact
Smoke blurs the vision and uncertainty takes over human minds

War is inevitable as is destruction
The truth is blinded by fear
There is no opportunity for humanity's survival
Don't you remember how you got here?
Don't you remember how you killed them?
Your mind no longer belongs to you

This is the only cure for human disease
You are the only reason why the world is sick
God says goodbye to one of his creations
A wormhole will drag us into another dimension
Where we will serve a new god

A church burns for every lie
One hand cut for each theft
The masters will be chained because of their hypocrisy
A bullet in their heads for every war
An exile for each discrimination
The punishment we impose is the domination of your world

This is the only cure for human disease


Everything becomes dark
A shiver runs down my back
A thunderous silence invades my mind
I feel the ice in my head, I feel the fire in my feet
Nothing can be done, nothing can be saved

Now everything has changed, what am I doing here?
The wind makes me wobble to the edge of the cliff
Am I really dreaming?
I am one step away from jumping into the void

My hands covered in blood but not mine
You have stood in my way and these are the consequences
The shadows are chasing me
I just want to wake up, I just want to wake up
My body is paralyzed
A sweet voice is talking to me, but I can not understand
You! Bitch! You can not leave me
I have given you everything of me

Blood in my hands again, but this time it's mine
I'm ripping my fragile and rotten teeth
No matter how much I swim to the surface
My lungs are flooding, darkness comes over me
I give up, I'm tired of fighting for nothing, I know it's just a dream
What am I doing here?
The wind makes me wobble to the edge of the cliff
Am I really dreaming? Am I really dreaming?

I am one step away from jumping into the void
The ground is getting closer and closer
I'm going to wake up
All in black


I must end this suffering
Bring me those broken souls
I spit on his fucking bones
The darkness grows inside me
Sadness and pent-up anger will come to light

My thoughts are getting dark
There is no hope for my lonely soul
All the evil that is unfold in the world is hidden in a nest of traitors

I wanted to prepare the way of forgiveness
But I did not know how to forgive you
Every time I think of you, I see the end closer and closer

No one can stop my intentions to destroy the bridge to a false happiness based on lies
Lies turned into truths stained with blood
Blood that makes you fall apart

Remember what you are
Remember who you are
I hope this secret is between you and me
Until you rot under my feet
The rope around your neck makes me feel free
The rope around your neck makes me feel free
All this suffering, all the repression, it becomes devastation
All this suffering, all the repression, it becomes devastation

The tombs are ready to be filled with the darkest souls
The moon will no longer shine
Tears, blood and broken lives will be blended tonight
The worms devour your flesh
The crows will crush your eyes

The shadows will remain in the sad and cold world
The shadows will remain in the sad cold world


Chains, cells, learn to love the agony
Chains, cells, learn to love lack of sweetness
Shit and piss up to my knees
I taste blood and sweat
Chains, cells learn to love pain
Chains, cells
Chains, cells, learn to love torture

Decomposition inside my lungs
Food for rats and flies
Affliction never stops and nobody will come to get me out of here
Death will be ahead of penance
Death comes early for all of us

Open the cage
Your flesh will serve as food for starving beasts
Its claws make their way to your inner black
The stench of terror rides on a bitter wind
Chaos reigns in the dog pound

Broken chains, burned cells, broken chains, burned cells, broken chains, burned cells
Dogs get rid of their collars
Dogs get rid of their leash to chain the masters
Chain the masters
Chain the monsters


You send your beasts to take me and I pay for my sins
But the flames and the pain have always surrounded me
I am fear, I am your hell, I am the agony
I am the torment that will plunge you into desolation

Weeds also grow in beautiful places, although some grow to then emerge from the ground
Engulfed in fire
Wrapped in the claws of the creator

People pray for strength and enlightenment of their way but they should pray for the clemency of a quick death

Bodies accumulated in rivers contaminated with the guts of men who intrude
Broken necks and hammers stuck in their hollow heads
Widows dressed in black knock on my doors and I keep hitting the anvil

Demons come out of their cages fleeing from the real beast
Trapped in that terrifying place until the end of days
The underworld trembles with each hammer blow

A cross stuck in the heart of the devil
Its horns ripped out
His fire died away
Now hell belongs to me

10. EVIL

The smell of old wood and rotten flesh
Makes me feel the evil that lives in this shady place
The wind blows hard dragging with it the last hope to stay alive
Yellow eyes looking from behind the trees
Darkness takes over the sky, takes over my heart...

I am the enemy that can not be destroyed
You brought me here and you have to pay the price
You opened the gates of the underworld for me
That's why now the evil resides in you
And your soul will rest next to me in hell
You have a blood covenant with me and it's for all eternity

Scorched skin
Cranium busted
He will not let you run
Nothing will stop him until he possesses your soul
The sky is dyed with blood and the abomination arises from underground
You must be purified if you wish to stop this
Burial in life, corporal defibrillation
And purification by fire or hell suck your soul dry

You will become the bitch of the devil
You will stay down here forever
Now I crawl through the roots to take your lives
Condemned to suffer
Condemned to suffer

paroles ajoutées par Coleiosis - Modifier ces paroles