Live at the Fulham Greyhound London 1989

Liste des groupes Crust Extreme Noise Terror Live at the Fulham Greyhound London 1989
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Nom du groupe Extreme Noise Terror
Nom de l'album Live at the Fulham Greyhound London 1989
Type Live
Date de parution 2002
Style MusicalCrust
Membres possèdant cet album3


1. Deceived
2. False Prophet
3. Murder
4. We the Helpless
5. Use Your Mind
6. Take the Strain
7. Bullshit Propaganda
8. Conned Through Life
9. Another Nail in the Coffin
10. Raping the Earth
11. Show Us You Care
12. [interview with band]
13. Murder (enhanced video track)

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Extreme Noise Terror