Exploder (VO)

Exploder est un groupe anglais de Birmingham . je devais les rejoindre à birmingham pour une interview filmée mais hélas , n'ayant pas pu me déplacer , Mick le guitariste a bien voulu répondre à mes questions par mail ..(merci à trashykiss d'avoir traduit mes questions en anglais) 'Hy guys !!!! First welcome on Spirit of Métal, the biggest French webzine!!!!! I’m really honored to do this interview with you, I really would like to come in England and meet you, but I can’t !! The next time, I’m gonna be there for sure!!!!!!'

interview Exploder (UK)First, could you introduce your band?
Hi Engel, we are a Rock band from Birmingham, England called EXPLODER. We formed about 2/3 years ago because we kind of got a bit sick of playing super heavy music ALL the time and wanted to just rock out , party, get wasted and play catchy music to drunk people who want to have fun

Who decided to start the band at first?
It was me and Dirty, the singer. We had been playing in A grind core band together called Mistress and decided that we should start a total rockin band, something totally different to what we have done in the past. We always listen to old rock and metal when we were at rehearsals, and it just felt right to start up a band that was more simple and rocking, but yet still heavy and full of attitude.

What are your musical influences?
We are influenced by tons of bands and styles of music. I myself can be into anything from brutal blasting grind core, to totally cockrock 80’s bands like NITRO! Dirty the singer is influenced by bands like Danzig and Type O Negative. We like to take a mixture of everything thing, and just do it in our own way. We don’t really plan anything out. It just comes out the way it does.

Who is your favourite band, the best for you?
There is just TOO many! I love all different kind of of bands for different moods, that’s is just too hard too answer… but I guess some of my all time favourite bands would be, Napalm Death, Mayhem, Metallica, BonJovi (YES BONJOVI ha-ha) Arcturus, all the classic 80’s rock bands..Jeez, I just love loads of stuff to be honest

I wondered what could mean for you “ Exploder”?
Total exploding catchy riffs and pounding drum beats. And songs that wont leave your brain for a week

Why Exploder is so different that you’re other old projects?
I think all the bands I do are all totally different to be honest. I don’t see the point of making a new band that’s just the same as another band im in. I hate being r
interview Exploder (UK)estrained to certain genres, For example with ANaal nathrakh, it would be really daft if I started putting in some big bonjovi styled chorus, so its better to just make a completely new band. And to be honest Exploder is a band where anything can go. It’s not too heavy, it’s not too soft, it’s not to fast, and not too slow. There’s a lot of room for creativity and that’s what I love.

Your new album is called “Exploder”, why did you choose the name of the band? Isn’t it a little bit common, no? ;)
It’s more like a statement to say, ‘WE ARE HERE’ it just summed us up so we just went for it. Nice and simple.

Could you talk about your new album, what did you try to make feel to every people who listen it, I think especially to” sympathy love”?
Exploder music is designed for massive shows or parties. Our songs are really simple and VERY catchy, and there’s loads of backing gang vocals for everyone to have fun and join in. We just want people to enjoy our shows. We don’t want to play music that you have to study or listen to 50 times before you ‘get it’. We just want to plug in, and rock out and get the crowd rocking right from the start. You only need to know one word at an exploder show, and that’s WOAHHH

The debut album was kind of more like a demo for us, it’s all our songs that we wrote right at the beginning over a couple of years. We recorded them all then I put the album out on my own label (FETO Records) we are all really happy with the album. Its been getting some mixed reviews, as a lot of people don’t know what to expect. Because the guys in the band all come from an Extreme metal background, the reviewer’s were a bit puzzled. But this band isn’t supposed to be like any of our other bands. Its not supposed to be brutal or anything. It’s just ROCK! For us it’s so much fun to go back to an old rock/metal style.

On your myspace, you put a strange track called “LOVERTAKER”, is it inspired from real facts??
Strange track? Ha-ha why you say that?
That’s a song from our new EP which will be released on the 10th Se
interview Exploder (UK)ptember. It’s actually about a Lesbian lover, but we will leave it up to you to decide if it’s based on true facts ;)
The new EP has four songs which we are releasing just as downloads through ITUNES. We actually have 16 new tracks, but its going to take us a while before the album will be finished, so we released this as a little teaser. Then when the album is ready we will include the EP as well on the CD.

This question is for you Mick: Actually, you are signed by Feto Records, label that you made with Shane Embury ( Napalm Death), how is came this idea and how is your collaboration with him?
I and Shane have been friends for many years, and we have always talking about setting our own label up. It came to the point where we both had releases that we wanted to put out and decided to set the label up. I put out the exploder album as a kind of experiment to see if I could handle running the label, and everything has been going quite smoothly so far which is great.

Who’s get the last word about the bands, is it you or Shane?
We just release what we want to. I will handle all my releases and Shane will handle all of his own releases. I guess you could say it’s kind of like two labels under the same name. But we do show each other new bands and ask what we think and we do collaborate a lot.

Is there a tour program? If yes, will you come in France?
There are no dates scheduled for France just yet. But we hope we will be able to come over soon! Hook us up!

What are the future projects of Exploder?
Like I said earlier, we are working on our second full length album, and 4 of the tracks are available on Itunes from the 10th September!
Check out our myspace page at www.myspace.com/explodingmetal

Last but not least, a special question “ Spirit Of Métal”, for you, what is the spirit of metal??
The spirit of metal for me is, not giving a fuck about what people think, following your heart and always try to be one step ahead.

Interview done by EnGeL

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