Angrenost (POR) (en)

The least we can say is that Angrenost comes back from very far : after one single demo released in 1998, Devil, the Portuguese band sinks in an artificial coma because of the self -destructive behavior and the drug addictions of his leader and singer, Pursan. Almost 15 years later, and after many rehabs and stays to psychiatric hospitals, Pursan breaks the silence and gives birth to the amazing, dark, psychedelic and immersive Planet Muscaria at the end of September, still under Angrenosts name. Let give the word to a determined and talkative Pursan who’s going back to these hard and psychotic years and proudly introducing to us his new baby.

interview Angrenost (POR)1. Hi Pursan, how are you ? Could you explain us the reasons why you put an end to the band in 98 and sum up these long erratic years between Evil and Planet Muscaria? What did you do as a person and as an artist during these dark years? How are you feeling now, what are the new goals of the band, and what are the differences between the previous band and the current one?
Greetings… huge thunderstorm outside and listen to some good old music, everything´s fine. So many questions, so let´s see… The reason for the 98´s collapse is very long, complex and personal, it happened mainly due to the fact that, for many reasons, I was in a very weird and psychotic state. At that time, I felt that if I kept involved with Angrenost, something really bad could happen at any time, and let´s keep it like that. Well, between Evil and Planet Muscaria, many things happened and many of those things were the source of inspiration to the creation of Planet Muscaria which revolves around drug addiction, psychotic worlds and all the necessary mechanisms needed to transcend and escape from the whirlpool of demons and labyrinths, if you don´t want to end up dead or worse than that. To me, I cannot draw the line, dividing art from real life… my life was so “rich”, twisted and out of the ordinary that the most honest thing to say is that, life and art were the same thing, difficult to explain, but the “so called artist” was not a fictional character or based on an alter ego, but a real person… all these odd experiences are the substances of Planet Muscaria, based on reality, not on fiction or fantasies. There are no goals for the band, Angrenost is just a channel to express negativity and darkness through sound, a way to achieve catharsis through music. The band´s DNA remains the same, the records are different, that´s the best way to put it. Both Evil as Planet are genuine… Evil is about evil, Muscaria is about muscaria. I don´t give a shit about “bands” the only thing I really care related to music are the albums… If I don´t keep things like that, I can assure you that I will almost hate every band, so few are the ones that remain honest to themselves and invulnerable to exterior forces.

2. Should we consider Angrenost as a real band now or simply as a way to sporadically express the feelings turning down your soul at some very intense moments? Should we expect another hibernation or is Angrenost definitely starring at the future?
It depends… if you consider most bands out there real bands, then I must say that we are not at all a real band... Angrenost is not inspired by empty nonsense so I guess already answered to your question… to create just some fancy bullshit is better for one to stay still, however, each knows himself. I am only able to create something truthful if I feel a deep and intense call within myself, otherwise, I cannot create or force it to happen, thats who I am, period. I could´t care less about the band´s future, I try to live in the now, and now, I´m in the process of writing the lyrics for the next recording, which, I hope, will have nothing to do with Planet Muscaria. We´re not and don´t want to be part of the circus, thank you.

3. I guess that you have been recording some tracks that were obsessing your insane mind during the 15 years separating Evil from Planet Muscaria. Do you intend to use these tracks for some future records or do you wish Angrenost to restart from a totally new musical basis?

Consequently, do you already have some new material recorded for a new album, and if yes, should we expect the sequel of Planet Muscaria or for something different?

The material from those years gave form to Planet Muscaria; the old stuff is now useless. I think any album should act independently and as a whole, we are now gathering the fragments for the next album which should gain life of its own in the near future… different flame, different ash, otherwise it will be nonsense.

No, you should not expect nothing like a sequel of Planet Muscaria…at all. The new material is being written on a total different basis. For the next record, I will be more focused on the lyrics and concept only. The Planet Muscaria composition was based on sinths and electronics, the next album, musically speaking, composition will be raised from the guitars, so Enobólico will be the main songwriter, generally speaking. We´re thinking about using a real drummer also, so we´ll see what happens. Expect nothing like Planet Muscaria… expec
interview Angrenost (POR)t something much more primitive, raw and organic.

4. Is Angrenost your own musical conception, your field of experimentation, are you the only songwriter in the band or do your fellows have some rights about the music too?
In Planet Muscaria almost everything was created by me but I am not saying they haven´t played a big role in the album, on the contrary, without the three lines joining the same triangle, Planet Muscaria wouldn´t be possible to achieve. I´m just simply saying that all the primal structures of the songs were written long time before I met Erdsaf and Enobólico, when they joined the band I already had a very clear image about how the album should sound like. For obvious reasons I was very inquisitor during the process, but they both knew from the beginning what to expect from me and the Muscaria process. For the next album, each one of us will play an equal role in the creative process.

5. Do you consider music and art in general as a catharsis, a kind of helpful filter through which you can shrug off all your hates and frustrations in order to recover an healthy mental balance, or, to the contrary, do you use Angrenost as a way to spread your hatred, to corrupt as much people as you can and make the crowd share your pain?

What do you try to give or to destroy through Planet Muscaria?

The world doesn´t need any more corruption from me, he corrupts himself. Mankind is the perfect metaphor for this… a giant entity ignorantly addicted to self-flagellation, without notion of it. Music for me is a selfish thing and I use it as a tool for personal reasons that only concern to me. If catharsis is a method of purification, then yes, I can say that some of those processes happen during the processes of creation, nevertheless I write just because I feel the need to do so in a visceral fashion… what people feel when listening to our music is not a variable in Angrenost equation, on the contrary, both as artists as individuals, we try to stay as distant as we can from all those kinds of shit. One thing I know for sure, hatred is the main core of BM and at least for me still remains as its true foundation and essence.

That subject is so vast and complex that is hard to give you a straight answer. When something is destroyed, actually you´re just giving birth to some other new thing or different form… so nothing can be destroyed, just transformed. With my own experiences, I managed to touch many weird and incomprehensible sides of existence, logic plays no important role in it, Planet Muscaria is just an empirical process of self-metamorphosis through chaos, an inner process where the human being struggles to escape fractal Inferno and the million forms of its demons, not metaphorically speaking but a real first person experience. The longer one stays in hell without dying or giving up to the demons, the stronger and wiser one will be after transcending the ethereal fires of Satan. The battle for catharsis is fierce but only loses the one who abandons the combat.

6. Planet Muscaria is a very intense album we are living actively by listening to it. Track after track, our senses are overwhelmed and tons of pictures are merging in front of our eyes. Can you speak about the album’s composition process? In which state of mind did you create these musical pieces, and how did you manage to translate so sincerely the sensations that were possessing your flesh and your soul?
Musically, I guess that Planet Muscaria is far ahead of its time, while in its main core sounds like the early 90´s Black Metal, a time where artists really had something to say… not like this sad days where bands just want to join the club or to sound like this or that. Planet Muscaria has an alien aura surrounding him, mainly because in its essence it represents the translation or materialization of abstract visions experienced during years of personal and absolute hell. Those worlds that I try to describe with Planet Muscaria were absolutely alien and abstract to me, so the result was a very intense and even psychedelic sound… All the tracks were made during or after extreme episodes, totally on a twisted state of mind, where simply had a visceral need to describe and understand all those abstract dimensions, dwelling inside and outside of my haunted being. In Angrenost´s music I talk about psychosis, suicide, alien voices, misery, addiction, death and so on and so forth, if one senses sincerity in our music is simply because that´s what Planet Muscaria re
interview Angrenost (POR)ally is... real and genuine as fuck. There is a great difference between Van Gog and Dali, they´re both geniuses technically but far apart from each other as regards the purity of inspiration and integrity of "work". In Planet Muscaria we are just being real and honest to ourselves leaving all the crap and bullshit aside.

7. In which special conditions would you advice the listeners to enjoy Planet Muscaria in order to get all the best from it?
Well… I´m not saying one should, but in an altered state of mind of course, alone in a dark and unpleasant environment. A balanced person that never experienced such an extreme way of life will only contemplate Planet Muscaria from a philosophic or aesthetic point of view. Only a person that has been through absolute hell will understand it, and I believe that even then, one will not be able to decode it fully. This is my personal view but, each knows himself.

8. Angrenost seems influenced by bands such as Darkspace or Spektr. Is that something aware and accepted? Except your personal extreme life experiences, which musical and non-musical pieces of art influenced the creation of Planet Muscaria?
That´s pure coincidence… When I created the lyrics and the primordial musical foundations for Planet Muscaria, I guess those bands didn´t even existed, besides that, concerning Black Metal, I mainly listen to the old-school stuff. To be honest, I can´t even see what´s the similarity between Angrenost and those bands. Maybe you´re saying that just because we´re bands breathing from the same air, but that’s all… I guess media are saying that because, as with Angrenost, they´re both far ahead of its time, with a specific DNA. I discovered those two bands very recently but I respect them both entirely... mind of their own.

9. Planet Muscaria flirts at many occasions with a cold, spatial and frightening ambient music. Did you ever thought about giving birth to a pure ambient musical project? Are black metal and ambiant two indivisible parts from Angrenosts schizophrenic personality? Is this musical entity enough to express all your feelings and to explore all musical ways you want to, or could a parallel project emerge someday, more focused on the epic and ambient side of your music?
Yes… actually me and Erdsaf started a new project called (O)ST, with a completely different approach from BM and exploring new fields of experimentation, a mix between analog electronics and ethnic soundscapes. It has nothing to do with Black MetalWe expect to complete the album, which shall be called “Mitochondrial Machine”, by the end of the year and we´ll see what happens next. In Planet Muscaria, BM and ambient were two indivisible parts of the same entity, but for the next Angrenost´s album we´ll turn closer to the source and Black Metal roots. Expect a much more primitive and organic form of Black Metal, closer to the school of the early 90´s. Like I said before, we do what we want to do, and now, as I´m writing on more occult subjects, primitive and raw BM is the right way to translate all that atmosphere.

10. As Angrenost’s music is very sensitive and visual, do you intend to release some other medium to make Planet Muscaria’s musical experience even deeper and stronger, like a movie, some video-clips, paintings or a book?
I personally would like to do something with Angrenost on that basis, but just to do some crappy nonsense bullshit is better for one to stay still. We don´t have the money or time to do it properly so, at least for now, that´s completely out of the question. I have plans to write a book about my life in the future but it will be probably anonymous so it will not be directly linked to Planet Muscaria or Angrenost. I have some paintings in acrylics from the past but many years have passed without doing anything on that field… Money is the only common god that we are all forced to worship… myself and Angrenost are no exception.

11. Do you intend to have some live dates to promote Planet Muscaria?

12. This interview is almost over, thanks a lot for your answers. Do you have a last thing to share to Spirit of Metal readers and to all people who would discover Angrenost through this interview?
Grateful for the interview and to Spirit of Metal for the interest in Angrenost! Earth is a shithole but one heck of a ride. NEVER STOP THE MADNESS!

Interview done by Icare

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