Death Metal >> Where does the best death metal come from?
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Which country does death metal the best in your opinion?
Czech Republic
Other (please specify)

Wednesday 06 July 2011 - 20:50:12
Finland. I've always adored them for being musical geniuses. After all. Look at Insomnium.

Monday 25 July 2011 - 05:19:41
I can't vote. I find them all to be dead even.

Sunday 21 August 2011 - 00:25:17
I went with " other " because America doesn't count

Most of my favorite bands are from the UK, Poland, the Netherlands and Italy. France, Germany, Scandinavia and Canada also Kick a lot of asses. I'd pick Poland as my favorite one amongst all of them though, the Polish scene has always been very healthy.

Sunday 21 August 2011 - 10:45:44

citation :
Karaladh says :  Polish scene has always been very healthy.

Poland has an excellent underground scene, not only in Death Metal

Sunday 21 August 2011 - 17:52:12
well, I took sweden, Becuse a I find many good bands from there, But, I can't really say, I love Too many Bands, All over the world^^

(I think Death Metal Started In Sweden,Folk/folk Death Metal in Finland, And Black Metal From Norweigan, ^-^)

Sunday 21 August 2011 - 18:05:22

citation :
Aethiopica dit :

(I think Death Metal Started In Sweden, And Black Metal From Norweigan, ^-^)

Death Metal started in the US. The term comes either (some still argue over it) from Possessed's Death Metal song or from the band Death.

Black Metal has various origins from Hellhammer, Bathory, Venom and a bunch of Brazilian bands. The second wave originated in Norway.

Monday 22 August 2011 - 09:19:18

citation :
GandhiEgo says :
Death Metal started in the US. The term comes either (some still argue over it) from Possessed's Death Metal song or from the band Death.

Black Metal has various origins from Hellhammer, Bathory, Venom and a bunch of Brazilian bands. The second wave originated in Norway.

This kid is right

Friday 23 September 2011 - 05:13:45
agreed, and I will always stick to my guns when i say that the US has the best death metal. However, i don't deny that other countries have great DM, I just prefer good 'ole American Death Metal
Friday 30 September 2011 - 15:38:06
I prefer old  American Death Metal but I must say that there are a lot
of valid bands from Netherland (Sinister, God Dethroned, Severe Torture,
Centurian) from Poland(Vader, Hate, Sceptic, Lost Soul, Decapitated) and from my country, Italy (Node, Illogicist, Natron, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Infernal Poetry, Stillness Blade and more)...

Sunday 06 November 2011 - 21:35:16
I went with USA, just because of the sheer number of great bands that came out of there in the 80's. Even though most of them aren't as good as European bands, there's just so many bands I love from there that I had to pick America. And, of course, they have Autospy.