This team must check the whole data base on SOM, to see if the informations are reliable or not, and if the layout is conform to the submission guide. The complex problems are processed by some researchers, who make some research on the internet (and other sources of information) to find answers.
Encyclopedia team
Team Leader : tango666
Reviews relecture/validation team
Team Leader : opeth59
They check every review, both those which have just been submitted and the older ones, in order to judge the quality of the texts. They turn these texts into a review or into a commentary, and help the new reviewers to improve their talent.
Label correction team
Team Leader : opeth59
They do the same work than those who are in charged of the whole encyclopaedia, but only for labels.
Videos verification team
Team Leader : Hellsheimer
This consist in putting the videos in order on every band page, by suppressing the bad quality ones or the doubles, and by rewriting the names correctly in order to ease the researches.
Forum moderators team
Team Leader : Hellsheimer
They ensure the individual welfare on forums, the application of the charter so that forums stay friendly places. They can warn the members who don't respect the rules. Apart from the following members, every administrator has this power too.
Validation team
Team Leader : tango666
They help the administrators in the validation of the submissions. They look at each of them, verify the layout and content, and they accept or not their publication on the site. Before accepting, they can ask the person who did the submission to change some incorrect elements himself. Each validator is more or less specialized in a type of submission.
Artist verification team
Team Leader :
Team responsible to check artists profiles