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Sunday 01 July 2012 - 11:10:54
I went to this last night

Lets just say that Buried In Verona aren't as good live as they are on an mp3

Wednesday 25 July 2012 - 19:58:53
Spreading Hate live!!

Thursday 02 August 2012 - 15:11:01
The last band I Saw live was Agalloch last month

Thursday 02 August 2012 - 15:38:03
^ nice! Agalloch do put on a great live, Saw them 2 years ago

(dammit! why does time fly so fast?!) and Alcest were having their first live show too.

My last show was OST fest...will post some pics when I'll feel less lazy. Don't know how I've let a month pass without bragging, but first row paid off more than Ever, caught 4 picks: 1 from Silenoz (Dimmu), 1 from Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue), 1 from somebody from Europe and 1 from... *drumroll* Phil Campbell (Motorhead)!

Thursday 02 August 2012 - 16:26:54
My last concert was yesterday: Electric Wizard with the Belgian instrumental doom band Sardonis. Great gig!

Thursday 02 August 2012 - 23:03:29

citation :
Raina says : ^ nice! Agalloch do put on a great live, Saw them 2 years ago

It was amazing, they played a fucking 2.25 HOUR set!

Sunday 19 August 2012 - 15:26:26
Here are some photos of Prague + some of the Brutal Assault bands (only ones that played during daylight)

First off, the old town square in Prague with the astronomical clock:

The very beautiful Charles Bridge and its views (you can see the castle and St. Vitus towers on top of the hill)

Some houses in Mala Strana

...and, of course:

Next up, what may be the kvltest looking Cathedral I've Ever seen: Saint Vitus!

The Restless BA sightseeing group - if dressed more appropriately, we could pass as a Doom Metal band...

Some views from on top of the castle hill:

Your feet will be destroyed, Trust me...

Next post, the Brutal Assault pics!

Sunday 19 August 2012 - 16:07:56
The metal market, meet & greet/ black horror porno-ish movie cinema, the stage Area




Kampfar - managed to get my cd signed by them ^^




Other bands I've seen, but have no photos of:

Arcturus again
Amon Amarth
Machine Head
Dimmu Borgir
Toxic Holocaust

Tuesday 21 August 2012 - 10:03:07
Immortal? O.o fuck you -.-

Tuesday 21 August 2012 - 10:08:52

citation :
Crinn says : Immortal? O.o fuck you -.-

Saw them live too 2 weeks ago. They were good, but not that awesome. The songs, funny moves and crowd interaction were there which is great ofc (All Shall fall, One by One, Tyrants etc).

But the sound was rather messy. The End was also very abrupt: last note of All Shall Fall..boom that's it..bye! However it was very hot that day (and rumor has it that Abbath was nearly fainting of the HEAT) and some idiot threw a can of beer to the band, which angered the band.