Street Poetry

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Band Name Hanoi Rocks
Album Name Street Poetry
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2007
Recorded at Seawolf Studios
Musik GenreHard Rock
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen37


1. Hypermobile
2. Street Poetry
3. Fashion
4. Highwired
5. Power of Persuasion
6. Teenage Revolution
7. Worth Your Weight in Gold
8. Transcendental Groove
9. This One's for Rock 'n' Roll
10. Powertrip
11. Walkin' Away
12. Tootin’'Star
13. Fumblefoot and Busy Bee
Bonustracks (Japanese Version)
14. Self Destruction Blues
15. Worldshaker

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 $20.49  19,00 €  12,92 €  £21.95  $36.26  20,00 €  25,00 €
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Hanoi Rocks