Il Etait une Forêt...

Liste der Bands Doom Black Gris Il Etait une Forêt...
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Band Name Gris
Album Name Il Etait une Forêt...
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 20 Dezember 2007
Musik GenreDoom Black
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen219


 Il Était une Forêt..
 Le Gala des Gens Heureux
 Veux-Tu Danser ?
 Profonde Misanthropie
 La Dryade

Total playing time: 59:32

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  • Il était une forêt... | Gris
  • Le Gala des gens heureux | Gris
  • Cicatrice | Gris
  • Veux-tu danser | Gris
  • Profonde misanthropie | Gris
  • La Dryade | Gris

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    Review @ giganticbrain

    28 Juli 2008
    Maybe its just me, but something about the concept of French/Canadian depressive or ambient black metal is just orgasmic, and almost literally.
    "Il était une forêt..." is possibly one of the best depressive black metal / ambient black metal albums I've ever heard !

    The soul haunting ambiance, the suicidal guitars, the ghost-like vocals, everything just adds up !

    Even from the beginning, this album is flawless. The first track (Il était une forêt...) commences with incredibly melancholic strings, in a slow flowing manner. Its very depressing but in a good way of course. After a little bit, the guitars shred in… I say shred because their what I'd call "raw". Their crunchy as hell and skull penetrating. Along with the guitar come drums with a slight reverb or echo (can't tell the difference between the two) on them, making them seem all the more haunting.
    As soon as the vocals come in, you know your in for a helplessly depressive ride into an abyss unknown, or something like that.

    One other track that definitely caught my attention was "La Dryade". It was a track of entire ambiance, or just pure epic. Which ever one it is, its insanely melodic and soul-crushing. They used a combination of piano's, harmonized violins, acoustic guitars (and many other instrument), to create a track of beauty. It's a nice closure to the album, and a break away from the black metal aspect of the album.

    Before you listen to this album, you may wanna know that Gris uses Silencer vocals. If your not familiar with the band, then just imagine what a screaming ghost would sound like, and thats the basic idea of the vocals. Its a little obnoxious at first, but it soon will blend into a beautiful mixture of win-sauce soon enough !

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    Kommentar @ Adushka

    22 August 2010
    Out there, there are so many depressive ambient/black metal bands, that they sometimes happen to sound similarly. Gris is my favourite exception.
    As for the artwork, it is outstanding. The band has one of the most sophisticated logos I have ever seen, and also the cover resembles some fairytale. The only band that does that even better is Jääportit (but they also play a bit different ambient).
    The albums opening song, Il Etait une Forêt, begins with somewhat welcoming tune changing into raw despair. That should give the listener a hint what is going to follow. Second one, Le gala des gens hereux (The reception of happy people), gives the impression that you are really in a hall filled with people, and one (being Gris)expressing his attitude towards it. This song also has outstanding lyrics: "N*N*N*Cest un orchestre damn qui accompagne mon suicide..." (Its a doomed orchestra which accompanies my suicide).
    On and on, all 6 songs unleash the story of hopelessness, despair, emptiness and whatever it may cause you to think about. What makes it so different among so many other similar bands, is the atmosphere it creates, the story it unfolds, and also the usage of french.

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    Kommentar @ gloomwinter

    04 Januar 2011


    Gris is a french black metal band also known as Niflheim. The album Gris Il Etait une Forêt... was an excellent album with more than 3 long tracks.The album creates a great depressive atmosphere which makes you imagine that you are in one to help you...depressed. The albums is really emotional it makes you feel really sad it makes you want to suicide and that's how it is supposed yo be. This album doesn't have a bad production at all and it is really enjoyable to listen.

    The main song Il Était une Forêt... was an epic ten minute piece of pure darkness which Gris are well experienced in this type of music so you will be really amused when you listen to the track.The lyrics are really well sorted so the lyrics won't make you bored. The singing was really raw but it was really emotional which is what you want to hear by a band like Gris. The guitars played a really big role in the whole album. The machine gun drumming was really creative in a sort of way that creates an atmosphere.If any listener doesn't know to read french because all the lyrics are in french he can find it online somewhere so the language ain't a problem.

    If any listener is lazy and doesn't want to find the lyrics for the song he can just listen to the instrumentaion and the vocalizations of the singer.This album is recommended because it is not just wonderfull but it is really deep and the lyrics are emotional and this is what everyone expects for every depressive black metal band.

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