Destroyer, or About How to Philosophize with the Hammer

Liste der Bands Black Metal Gorgoroth (NOR) Destroyer, or About How to Philosophize with the Hammer
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Band Name Gorgoroth (NOR)
Album Name Destroyer, or About How to Philosophize with the Hammer
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 18 Mai 1998
Recorded at Grieghallen Studio
Musik GenreBlack Metal
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen335


 Open the Gates
 The Devil, the Sinner and His Journey
 Om Kristen og Jodisk Tru
 Pa Slagmark Langt Mot Nord
 The Virginborn
 Slottet I Det Fjerne (Darkthrone Cover)

Total playing time: 37:04

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Gorgoroth (NOR)

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Kommentar @ Nerikull

01 Juli 2018

Not as much Transitional as an Epic Cluster-F**k

I want to preface this review by stating that experimentation isn’t always a bad thing. Given my wide range of musical tastes, I have heard many bands try something “different”, and the results are often-times mixed at best. Bad Religion released an album early in their career that was so different from the debut that it’s been all but disowned by the band, yet I found it to be a damned good progressive album for a bunch of guys in their late teens.

This cannot be said for the fourth release by Gorgoroth, or more appropriately, “Infernus, and a bunch of other musicians in a studio”. This album had one or two good songs, but it was pretty much a mess. The sound quality and mixing varied from song to song, and it felt like a compilation of confusion. This is not to say that the songs in and of themselves were bad, but the overall feel of the album was more chaotic and formless than anything else. Sound effects and odd synthesizer noise seemed to be added in at random, adding to the confusing feel of the album. While cited as the first album of the Gaahl era, Pest, T-Reaper, and even Infernus handled vocals throughout. Frost***** contributed his drumming skill to one track, and Vrolok did drums for another three tracks, with Infernus drumming on the remainder. Ares and Infernus did the bass guitars, and other guitars were played by Infernus and Tormentor.

Got all of that? Good.

If I could pick any album of Gorgoroth’s that qualifies as “worst”, this would be it. Not even the Darkthrone cover at the end of the album could redeem it in my opinion. Thankfully, the next album more than made up for this disaster.

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