Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade

Liste der Bands Black Metal Hordes Of The Lunar Eclipse Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade
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Band Name Hordes Of The Lunar Eclipse
Album Name Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade
Type Album
Erscheinungsdatum 2004
Produced by D. Luathca
Musik GenreEpic Black
Mitglieder die dieses Album besitzen5


Limited to 500 copies.
1. In the Service of the Stormlord
2. Gleaned of Gazes into the Shadow-Mirror
3. Nameless, Unnamable
4. ...And Blood Became Snow
5. Beneath the Veridian Loche
6. Dreams of the Æmerald Alter
7. Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade
1. In the Service of the Stormlord
2. Gleaned of Gazes into the Shadow-Mirror
3. Nameless, Unnamable
4. Frozen in Death
5. ...And Blood Became Snow
6. Beneath the Veridian Loche
7. Dreams of the Æmerald Alter
8. Dancing Demons in the Grey-Lit Glade
9. Anointing of the Sick

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Hordes Of The Lunar Eclipse

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