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Биография : Vlkodlak

Vlkodlak has been together for several years, and currently comprises four musicians. The name of the group (pronounced Vluhkodlak) is a Czech word meaning "werewolf".

Having started out playing metal, Vlkodlak now create music that is more strongly imbued with folk influences (Czech in particular), though never disowning their metal roots. Thus, the group's repertoire includes original compositions and adaptations of traditional pieces.

In 2005, Vlkodlak released a 5-track CD titled Temná Cesta. Following the departure of guitarist Alejandro, the remaining members of the band have decided to concentrate on a more acoustic music.

Exclusively metal at the outset, over the course of time Vlkodlak have integrated more and more folk elements, to the extent that folk is now their principal source of inspiration.

On the demo CD you will thus be able to hear some tracks with a distinctly metal flavour (tracks 1 and 3) representative of the Vlkodlak "of old", one song that is pure folk music (4), and two tracks that marry these two influences (2 and 5).

Through the varied use of acoustic passages, the alternation of clear voice with Ouglouk's astonishing guttural growl, and lyrics which draw from ancient legends, the works of Tolkien and sometimes quite simply their love of the mountains and nature, the goal is to make songs which create a special ambience. This is music that carries the listener along on a journey, rather than attacking him wildly! Each song tells a story, be it sung in English, Czech, French, German, or even Icelandic.

Source : http://www.vlkodlak.ch/Biography.htm