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Биография : Vesztegzár

The story began in the town of Komárom, in 2005. During this time, the band under the name "Spit" played mostly Sepultura and Moby Dick covers - Bálint Herczeg (vocals/guitar), Csaba Keszi (guitar), Gergely Akács (bass) and Ádám Monostori (drums). After a few concerts in surrounding areas the band dissolved in the summer of 2007.

Already in august 2007 "Vesztegzár" formed, which was only different from the previous formation by the addition of István "Gesztenye" Fancsik on vocals/guitar. The musical style - faithful to the roots - remained Thrash metal. In autumn of the same year already sent on stage was a small show, including own songs. Gesztenye left at the end of the year, but this could not affect the momentum of the band. In the beginning of 2008 Tamás Rózsavölgyi (guitar) arrived, while Csaba Keszi took over vocals besides his guitar role. The next half a year was successful in new songs and concerts, halted only by Csaba Keszi leaving the band in June.2009

The uncertainty surrounding the band ended with the arrival of Róbert Kotroczó (vocals) in the autumn of 2008. Since Robi was only responsible for the mic, the single guitar formation took shape, which began writing further songs and went on to perform concerts. In the beginning of 2009 with the arrival of Ákos Fodor the band now totalled 5 members, and thus the single guitar formation ended. During the summer, further changes took place, when Robi's place was taken over by the former member of "Split", Bálint Herczeg (now only on vocals). Until this time the lyrics were always the responsibility of the singer, however, at this time Ákos took on this task.

2010The 2010 year was rather thrilling. The band earned the special award at the 15th Peron Talent Show, then a 3 song demo was completed, receiving the title "Promo". At the end of october a magnificent concert was performed in the city of Liége in Belgium. The closing of the concert period in early 2011 ended at the auditions of the ÉTER Festival talent show in Salgótarján. The successful audition earned qualification, howerver Tamás left the band, and the challenge in the final was unfortunately missed.

2012In July 2011 Tamás was replaced by Balázs Dankó. In december the new formation decided it would write and record a new album with all new songs. In this spirit the year 2012 saw active performances besides writing the new songs, then during the autumn in the Sopron studio of Smici (Moby Dick, Bloody Roots) the recording took place, and on December 28th, the new album named "Beteg világ" was released. A studio clip was recorded for the song "Gyűlölet és harag". Concerts in 2013 also saw a new video created for "Szemet szemért" and "Szilánkokra hullva".

In 2014 another change took place in the formation of the band. Bálint Herczeg on vocals left the band after 4 years of working together. The void was filled with Attila Hökkön as the new singer. By the time of the arrival of Höki, the creatons of the songs for the second album were already steam ahead, and were recorded - also in the MD Studio of Sopron - during the spring of 2015. During this period of writing of new songs and being in the studio, the band performed at fewer concerts. The new album "Útvesztő" was completed during the summer of 2015, which was released on September 7, 2015 by Nail Records. From various studio clips, a new video was released for the song "Gyalázat", then the band's first professional video was released for the song "Vér nélküli forradalom". In the autumn of 2015, the band is on the road to perfom the new album live in numerous stages.

Vesztegzár (2014):

Attila Hökkön – vocals
Balázs Dankó – guitar
Ákos Fodor – guitar
Gergely Akács – bass
Ádám Monostori – drums


Source : http://vesztegzar.com