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Биография : Tortured Existence

Started by the friendship between Jay and Ed at the practice of Ed's band BrainDead in the summer/fall 2006. The band initially started as jamming sessions that would be held by the two for the hell of it for weeks. It was then decided to make this project full time with several members coming in and out over the months. However, the main constituents of the band have always been Jay and Ed. Soon after getting together, the band was originally called Tribulation, which later became to be the name of the 1st song. Unfortunately, there were numerous bands with the name Tribulation so the band changed its name to Tortured Existence. This was an idea to pay homage to the last brutal band to come from The Bronx/NYC area, Demolition Hammer (who's 1st album was named "Tortured Existence") since they were greatly annoyed by the trendy metalcore poser bands with no talent which was so heavily prevalent in the scene. Ed readily agreed. With the new name the two meant business. In 2008-2009 the duo had recorded the 2nd demo entitled "Hellraiser". However, the band never got a chance to release it except for promotional play online. Shortly after, the band went on hiatus til 2011 with the addition of Armando on bass.
2013 Currently Tortured Existence is back and as serious as ever to deliver some of the most brutal fucking thrash metal from the Bronx you have ever heard. The band is also working on new material for their EP release in 2013!! A new sound is expected stay tuned...

Source : http://www.facebook.com/TORTUREDEXISTENCE