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Биография : Tiago Della Vega

Tiago started taking guitar lessons at the age of 5, but after a year he realized he truly wanted to play the electric guitar. He immediately started to hard study the electric guitar reaching 14 hours a day of study so, when he was just 14, he studied in the biggest Serra Gaúcha conservatory.

Tiago played in bands like After Dark and Fermatha, both from Caxias do Sul- Brazil , his hometown. With the last one he recorded the CD entitled "Advent of the Truth".

By the end of 2005 a video entitled "38 bps" was posted on the Internet. It caused such repercussion that the incredible mark of 2000 visitors a day was achieved! It gave him an invitation to the Guinness World Records, and during 2008 he officialize is record executing “the flight of the bumblebee” at 320 bpm.

Today Tiago started his work of shred guitarist travelling between America, Europe and Far East and doing workshops and publicizing “Hybrid”. The 2008 Hybrid Tour went through almost all regions of Brazil, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan, here Tiago took part in a TV program by Fuji Television, where he executed his "the flight of the bumblebee" at 370 bpm. In 2009 Tiago exhibited in 21 Brazilian cities of 7 different states, recording 35 TV programs. He was major attraction at Expomusic, the biggest musical event in Latin America.

Is considered by much of the world criticizes the faster guitarist on the planet.

The video of a new incredible Tiago Della Vega exibhition is available on SG Records Youtube Channel.
Tiago played "The Flight of the bumblebee" at 370 bpm during a TV show at Fuji Television, in Japan. Previously he played this piece at 320 bpm without error in front of Guinness World Records judges becoming the fastest guitarist in the world.

Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiago_Della_Vega