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Биография : Slauter Xstroyes

Hey, My name is Brent Sullivan, the bassist of this band and founding member along with my good friend, Paul Kratky. I started this site because there seems to still be a lot interest in this band even now, 20 some years later. This is a great thing but it sucks because it hasn't been together since 1989. I guess we can owe this to our friend Dennis at Rockadome records for the love of the band. He re-issued the SX vinyl and printed cd's and promoted the band in the mid 90's even though it didn't even exist. For this, we owe it to him for putting Slauter Xstroyes on the map. Anyways, I thought I'd put this up on the popular myspace site for those interested and put the real deep history on the band together and for you to voice yourselves . So here you go. Between the 1973 and 1978 was the making of this band called “Slauter Xstroyes”. It began with a phone call from guitarist Paul Kratky to myself, which I answered an ad for a bass player. In short, this was a hard driving rock band called “Naj”, with drummer Ed Morvack and singer John Hill with a few basement tapes. Now this was far from being SX at this time, but was simply the foundation. After a couple of years, Naj found themselves without a singer so Ed and I found a band in need of a rhythm section that was called “White Witch”. This featured singer John Stewert, guitarist Jerry Kline and Janet Gartcher. Don't worry, this does go somewhere. This band was truly where SX started to materialize as far as writing style goes. Although, we never played a show or recorded (besides for basement tapes), it was quite and interesting band. About a year and half later, we parted ways for some reason; don't remember why but Ed, I along with Jerry got back together with Paul. Now this is where SX began. I remember all of us at practice one day thinking; “we need a name”. After sparking up, tossing out a shitload of names, Slaughter and Destroy came up. Well, this seemed a bit cheesy, so I said, “what's pig latin for destroy”? I'm sure Xstroyes is NOT pig latin for destroy, but it worked for us and we figured no one else would at least have it:) A few months of writing, John Stewert came back into the picture and loved what he heard. I think “Metals No Sin” was the song that really caught his ear. Anyways, that's how it was born. A few years and drummers later, and Jerry left, we started recording the lp “Winter Kill” that was released in 1985. We started gaining a very strong following in Chicago and the surrounding areas. Later started recording what was to be our 2nd cd, but, with issues developing in the band after 8 years, I decided to call it quits and move on. It seemed like the right move at the time and who knows if it could have stayed together anyways. To be honest, I don't even remember what the reason was but I'm sure it's the same reason why it will never get back together as much as it would be great to do. I have always remained close with Paul and we have just recently got back in touch with John. Re-union? Probably not, but we did send some music out to John that Paul, Ed and myself recorded of some old Naj, White Witch, Slauter and even a couple new ones we came up with, songs that never got recorded, so just maybe he'll get some vocals down and we'll all have a little bit more Slauter Xstroyes to enjoy. Thank you to everyone who has supported all of us all this time and I'm not sure about the rest of the guys, but I'll still continue to produce music.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/slauterxstroyesmusic