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Биография : Maitreya

In 2005 MAITREYA recorded the debut album New World Prophecy in the bands own studio/rehearsalplace RECLAB. A record combining elements of thought, aggression and strength presenting a future vision of the world.

The search for additional musicians began and in early 2006 Lars Soderberg (former member of Diabolical and Seethings) joined on drums together with Mikael Almgren (Terminal Function) on guitars. The line-up of MAITREYA was now complete.

However Mikael decided to move back to his hometown Gavle in July due to personal reasons, and the distance made Maitreya and Mikael to part ways. Lars decided to leave as well after experiencing lack in motivation as far as drumming goes (Lars is also a very skilled bassplayer).

Three new members were now recruited. Enes Sabanovic, Vanja Hadzic and Jonas Olofsson. The rest is yet to come!

MAITREYA is currently focusing on finding good distributors for New World Prophecy, booking livegigs and writing new material.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/friendsofmaitreya