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Биография : Kilhumanity

The band Kilhumanity was first formed in Nov. 2002 when Josh Krech and RJH fused their ideas together to make music that was not only brutal, not really any one thing in particular- it was metal. Even though the two never played together before, within 6 months they had 9 songs written and a name- Inhumanity. Around May/June of 2003, a former bandmate of Josh's picked up the bass and learned the 9 songs Inhumanity had written in a months time- his name was Kenny. After a month of rehearsing, the three went on to record their "Killing 2003" demo which was to be ready in time for the Milwaukee Metalfest. The deadline was set and so it was met in time for the band to start passing demos out to anyone and everyone that was interested in the band or the music they loved. As time went on, the band knew they could not go much further without a live drummer. Since Inhumanity was first formed they had used a drum machine but it was only meant for practice and to give people a basic idea of what the three were going for. So the intense search for a drummer began. As it would be for most bands- finding a drummer that could play this style of music was challenging to say the least. But while the three searched for a skinsman, they continued to write new material that would further explore the depths of their abilities as musicians and as fans of heavy metal. By May of 2004, the search was over. Enter Luis. Also one with previous experiences with bands, Luis brought out another side of Inhumanity the original 3 had never seen nor expected. His drumming would be the backbone of the band that many know of today. But it wasn't long after Luis joined that the name of the band came under conflict. As it turned out there was another band from Ohio that had the same name that had been around since '94. As soon as this came to light, the 4 changed their name to Kilhumanity. And has since then kept that name and continued to play music that speaks to them on many levels. Kilhumanity has been unleashed…. and to any that stand in its path and offer nothing but opposition will get crushed as they deserve to. Hail Kilhumanity!!!!!!!

Source : http://www.opengraveshop.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&cPath=5_6&products_id=7709