logo Iniquitous (USA)

Биография : Iniquitous (USA)

It all started in 2002 with two jobless and misanthropic cousins who needed an outlet for their angst. With some recording equipment and limited knowledge the duo created the CHRIST DESTROYED demo on a three day bender. Kept under wraps for 5 years; the demo was finally released the public in 2007. Due to a warm reception from the underground, Jeff and Kenny decided to pick back up and created INIQUITOUS bringing in their experience gained over the years to reach new levels of brutality. In 2008, armed with the talents of Ben Gomez on bass and Shawn Harrison blasting on the drums Iniquitous stormed the San Antonio metal scene and brought onlookers to their knees with a caustic THRASH/DEATH assault that differed from the going trends. Opening for acts like MASTER, ESTUARY, MACABRE, VITAL REMAINS, INSIDIOUS DECREPANCY and sharing the stage with many of the talented bands of the central Texas scene the foursome forged a reputation of delivering at every appearance. The group parted ways in May of 2009 leaving many wanting more and wondering if Iniquitous would ever make their presence known again. Jeff and Kenny; the Bros Iniquitous, just could not let the band end the way it did. After months of deliberation and personal growth a new lineup has been gathered to record a new EP starting in Feb 2010. The assault MUST continue!

Source : http://www.myspace.com/iniquitousofficial