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Биография : House Of Violent Shadows

House of Violent Shadows is a band from the Greater Moncton Area. It is a 3 piece band which formed in December of 2003. The members are: Poke-Guitar/Vocals, Mike Gerber-Bass, and Rick Gabbey-Drums.

All three members have been friends a long time, and have always shared a love of many types of music. Specifically the band came together due to their shared interest in rock, punk, and metal styles of music. After years of wanting to do something, we finally all had the required instruments, and a time and place to do it. (Well, we'd make time to do it). Next stop making music...

All three members share in the writing of all the songs, and we all share in the decisions of what covers we'll learn as well. Our bassist, Mike, has remarked on many occasions that we're a very democratic band for the most part with each of us having a hand in all decisions to one degree or another. Right down to; 'should that 2nd riff be done twice, or four times' to; 'does a roll sound good there guys, or no???'

The sound we've somewhat focused on is one of combining the feel of good 'ol sleazy rock and roll, with a nod towards punk, and the vocals and delivery of metal. Somewhat like the old school European metal bands like Sodom, Destruction, and Venom started out doing in the early 80's. When listening to those bands first releases and demos, when you break it down, it was heavy/dirty vocals, punk feel and attitudes, on a foundation of solid rock and roll. We thought it sounded great, and so with a touch of each of our own personalities to make it truly our own, this is what we loosely used as our guidance. We say loosely because anything that we felt was needed, that sounded and/or felt good, we would use. We aren't opposed to a bit of experimentation with our metal sound if need be. We want the music to have some breathing room - room for it and us to grow.

That's basically the story up to this point. Now we're looking to do some live shows - tune our skills there, and of course continue writing new original stuff and practicing our fav. covers.