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Биография : Cut The End

The history of Cut The End, a band born in 2001, can be divided into three huge phases depending on the style of music that has predominated their compositions. These phases have coincided, probably not coincidentally, with a small change of formation.

The second stage of growth and learning is definitively closed with the appearance of the album The Beauty Is Inside (2008). This EP recorded in one day playing all together means Cut The End’s entrance to the world of death metal. With a growing desire of maturing, the members of the band are ready to prepare new songs with the idea of making an album similar to the EP, but incorporating instrumental passages as a bridge between the different songs and a background concept for the lyrics.

Over time they feel comfortable doing longer and more complex compositions, playing with the repetitions and tempos. So they enter into a process of purging the repertoire already written, throwing away the majority of songs or remaking the few that are saved.

Also they decide to change the lyrics and to create a single story that is narrated by two voices throughout the album. This approach gives to the compositions a new view and it begins to tie a global sense of the album, in which the order is as important as the songs. It begins to take shape the first Cut The End’s LP that will be named as the song - reinterpreted and recalled with another name - that caused it, Dawn’s Death to Dusk .

In December 2009 Cut The End enters The Room studios in Barcelona with the album finished writing. The sound they are looking for is a mix between the natural and the whip in order to maximize both the slow passages like the cane. The job of mixing and co-production of Jordi Navarro is topped with Björn Engelmann master of Cutting Room Studios in Stockholm, chosen for their experience with both bands of metal as in other styles.

The quartet is ready to present their first LP called "Dawn’s Death to Dusk," a concept album that develops a story of betrayal and moral limits using a cinematic aesthetic and with a sound between the Swedish death metal and post metal.

Source : myspace.com