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Биография : Bewitched Plague

Bewitched Plague, the first Gothic metal band in the Kingdom ,was founded by two young metalheads Jeje, a 20 year-old girl, and Joseph, 24. The two talented buddies met online where Joseph posted his version of the song "Lithium" by Evanescence, and Jeje couldn't be more impressed by his amazing guitar skills, so she decided to contact him immediately and talk him into forming a band. Later, it turned out that they listened to the same kind of music, loved the same bands, were influenced by the same guitarists, and even had the same guitars. Jeje writes the lyrics for Bewitched Plague and many other local and international bands. She also plays piano, bass, and guitar. Joseph plays lead guitar and also sings back vocals for the band. Their first single, "Velvet End," is entitled by whom it is dedicated to, Andrew Gutierrez, Jeje's great inspiration ..

Source : http://www.bewitchedplague.com/About.htm