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Биография : Beautiful Betrayal

Beautiful Betrayal was found in 2000 by 5 young guys, and back then was called Lost. At that time the music they played was of death metal genre. The band made two promo CDs and few gigs before bands musical interests started to change and boys decided to put the band in new order. A new drummer was introduced in 2002 and new singer joined the band in spring 2004. Shortly after that the band was joined by a new element, a keyboard player.

Changing from death metal to beautiful melodic metal, the name was changed to Beautiful Betrayal. With this new line-up, the bands own sound was found easily. Beautiful Betrayal is now a group whose music is made with the interests of each member in mind, and common enthusiasm to make music.

At december 2004 Beautiful Betrayal went to D-studio at Klaukkala to record Promo 04. Since that the band has been working on new songs and doing some gigs.