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Биография : 1000 Funerals

Iranian Larghetto Black Doom Metal band "1000 Funerals" formed by Parichehr ``Pixy`` G. and Hamid ``Avinar`` M.A. as guest in Aug.2005 in Tehran, Iran. 1000 Funerals belief has based on perditions of love and band is practicing about how to destroy the love in spirit. First album's music style was Largo Doom Metal but Avinar changed music style and introduced all members completely (members didn't want to introduce themeselves; they believe there is shameful connections in Iran's metal scene) but the band's directorial has transferred to Avinar in 19.nov.2005. 1000 Funerals can not to continue its way more because the band's founder ``Pixy`` is going marry and her husband is in opposition with metal also ``Avinar`` was a guest in band no more. So 1000 Funerals is going dissolve in dec.2005 after only five months with a largo doom metal album. Statement by Avinar: I'm really sorry for myself, Pixy and people like she because I can't believe a man out of black metal world impress's the others in black metal world.