Mentor (PL) : Cults, Crypts and Corpses

Quinta-feira 01 Novembro 2018 - 09:43:26 by Maggoth

Mentor sortira son prochain album «Cults, Crypts and Corpses » le 16 novembre via Pagan Records. Il a été enregistré, mixé puis masterisé au Satanic Audio et sa couv est signée Branca Studio.


 1. We Dig

 2. Sometimes Dead is Better

 3. Mists of Doom

 4. Death Mask

 5. The Wax Nightmare

 6. Tub of Toxic Waste

 7. Churchburner Girl

 8. Gut Bucket

 9. Up in the Bell Tower

 10. Gather by the Grave


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