Aqvilea : New video "A Day Before the Wolf"

Segunda-feira 22 Novembro 2021 - 19:49:11 by Orion86

One year after the release of their debut album Beyond the Elysian Fields, published and distributed by Saturnia Records and produced by Fredrik Nordström, the Symphonic Metal band Aqvilea presents the new video A Day Before the Wolf

The founder of the band, Pier Lando Baldinelli, comments: 

“The song is one of the most melodic of the entire album, and one of the pieces to which I personally am most attached. The day before the wolf is the crucial moment in which Fate is about to be fulfilled: in ancient Rome, Fate was an irrevocable decision taken by the gods, it was not possible to oppose it. The video stages this conflict between the inevitability of the destiny already written and the human faculty to recognize it, and to face it with confidence and courage.
Compared to our first video Aquae Sextiae we have made a great technological leap: A Day Before the Wolf was created thanks to brand new Virtual Production tools that allowed us to reconstruct virtual environments and immerse ourselves in them with incredible realism.
For us it is the realization of a dream, first of all because we have always believed this song deserved a video at its height, but even just a year ago it would not have been possible to obtain the same result, secondly because this work definitively opens the way to our concept of “cinematic”, that is the Fusion of music and cinema. An aspect that is closely linked to our orchestral compositions, on which we have insisted from the beginning and on which we will certainly continue to focus in the future.” 

Alongside Pier Lando Baldinelli and the lyric soprano front-woman Cae Lys, two new members of the lineup participate in the video: the guitarist Franz Lugnan and the drummer Simone Santacà. The band is already working on the next album. 

The release was anticipated by a mini-teaser published a few days ago on the band’s social networks and described as “an intertwining of mystery, magic and destiny that give life to an exciting and majestic cinematic tale“. 

Watch the teaser: 

Made by movie director Simone Vrech, author of the multiple award-winning historical docufilm Langobardi and the new video clip Chains of Destiny by Rhapsody of Fire, A Day Before the Wolf was shot in three days partly outdoors on the heights of Gorizia and partly at the Base 2 Video Factory film studio. 


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