Tears Of Martyr

A very specific band from Spain, mixture of extreme and classical metal...please welcome to Tears Of Martyr

interview Tears Of MartyrBuenos dias Tears Of Martyr, would introduce yourselves?
Hi Xavier, first of all thanks for sharing these lines with us. Tears of Martyr is Berenice (Soprano), Adrian (Bass Guitar), Doramas (Drums) and me, Miguel Angel (Vocals & Guitars).

How is born Tears Of Martyr?
Tears of Martyr is an spanish metal band from Madrid that was originally born in the late nineties in the Canary Islands (Spain). At that time we had a sort of doom death flavor but we were already using the key elements that you can see nowadays, like the use of lyrical voices and classical orchestration arrangements in our songs. I hung out with some friends from my neighborhood and started doing covers songs, later on, after some rehearsals we completed a bunch of songs and recorded our first demo "The Essence of Evil", that was the very beginning of what Tears of Martyr is today.

How could describe your kind of music?
I always say beauty is in the ear of the listener, so everyone could see or like some particular side of the facet stone Tears of Martyr is. Obviously, you will embrace a Metal act, you will find a Soprano and a Death-metal voice, but there is a lot more, from heavy guitar riffs and fast paced drums to more quiet passages, it is a journey from dark to light wrapped by the atmosphere the orchestra provides. I don't like labels… it shows! didn't it? :) Most of the time they say we make Symphonic Gothic Metal, but in some way I think these labels cut short the message, so give it a try!

In year 2009, your first album "Entrance" is out, and it sounds great with your specific kind of music, classical and extreme metal together. Could you tell us more that choice?
Well, that was something almost present from our start. We felt the need to use classical instruments and voices in our music because of the stories we wanted to tell. It begun with adding female vocals and keyboard arrangements into our songs (we are talking about mid nineties here) and then it became part of our trademark, so they really are now ingredients into the Tears of Martyr formula. For us "Entrance" was a b
interview Tears Of Martyrig milestone because after a long struggling and tough years in the islands we were able to enter the studio in 2009 and record our first album.

And now your new album "Tales" just released this year, could you introduce your new album ?
"Tales" means a lot for us. A really great experience as it is our first album recorded out of Spain and we have very good memories of that moments. We are very satisfied with the result and we think the audience will enjoy this book of tales. Each story has its own weight and their leading roles have something to say, so we really hope that magic could come off from the cd (or wherever you listen to it) and carry you inside the world Tears of Martyr wants to share with you.

What are the most important difference between your 2 albums ?
I should say we are now more mature in terms of song writing, "Entrance" was almost just a band solo effort but in "Tales" we had the production advice of Enrik Garcia and Luigi Stefanini. That helped us a lot in understanding what was better to do to achieve better results.

Who writte the music and lyrics?
I have always been the main composer and for "Entrance" almost all songs were done by me except "Ballad for a Tortured Soul" a Berenice's idea. Now for "Tales" I am happy to say the rest of the guys have brought their ideas too, that is very positive (if you find the correct workflow of course) as the results is even more diverse. Regarding lyrics, I wrote all the stories for "Tales".

Where did you find your inpisration to create "Tales" ?
Well, I have always enjoyed writing and Tears of Martyr's songs have always been like stories, you know. Now for "Tales", this is even more pronounced, so every song has its own short story. For me, the tale is one of the best forms to pack your thoughts by means of the metaphor and tell them to the others. I use the characters, their situations and what they say, to tell the story and in the end, sometimes also express how I feel. "Tales" is a collection of stories, from originals, to folklore inspired, and a couple of them inspired in some classic stories
interview Tears Of Martyr too. These tales are always wrapped by some kind of tragical aura present in the Tears of Martyr Universe, the eternal quest from the darkest bottoms of the soul to the distant and wistful light.

Berenice, you are a classical singeress; what does the classical audience when they are listening you? Or whan they know that you sing with a metal band?
It's funny because every time a colleague from the classical world knows that i sing in a metal band first they feel very curious about how it sounds. In general I receive really positive feedback from them and many of them confess that somehow they would like to try other music genres as well.

Many years ago now before discovering metal lusic, I was listening progressive rock and classical music. Now listen metal is an obvious fact. Do you believe that you can reach easely metal and classical audience?
Sure! Tears of Martyr is quite a wide combination of elements, we have all the ingredients from a metal band and we also give a lot of importance, not only to the lyrical aspects and orchestrations but also when writing our music.

Do you have any gigs previous now?
At this moment there are no confirmed dates. We are working now with Killshot Management agency so we hope to be touring "Tales" very soon!

There is now many woman fronted metal band. Is that a problem or not for you to be recognized?
I should say no, we have always existed with this idea from our start, as our music and stories needed to be told not just by one voice. We believe in what we do, and want to share our music so we hope the audience will really enjoy what Tears of Martyr has to say. It would be great if people open their minds and don't be so influenced by cliches, it is tough because nowadays nobody has time for nothing. That's the real treasure of our time.

At last, what do you want to tell for the people that don't know you yet. How do you want they to discover your universe?
Just give us a chance, we are here to thrill you!

Muchos gracias Tears Of Martyr

Interview done by xavier74

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xavier74 - 04 Outubro 2013: Thanks to Miguel Angel for answering to our questions
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