Incapacity (VO)

interview Incapacity

In this so prolific swedish death-metal scene, each month sees the arrival of a few new savage acts. Many will disappear quickly, & some others will grow stronger because they propose something more than the average crawling mass. Inacapacity is one of us. Fomed by already reknown musicians (from Edge of Sanity, Unmoored, Solar Dawn, Infestdead, Torchbearer… etc), this band just delivered their second and brand new album, a kind of mix between old-school death-metal & thrash. Entombed / The Crown fans as well as Testament’s ones should check them out. This is drummer Henrik Schönström who answered these few questions in june 2004.


>Hi ! Is it possible to begin this interview with a history of Incapacity ?
It\'s actually pretty strange, how the band started. Omer (the label-boss of Cold records) called up Anders and asked him if he was interested in starting a new band. Anders had however discussed with Robert to start a thrash-metal band prior to that. So when he got the opportunity, he immedately joined up with Robert accompanied with Christian. Later on, after some line-up trouble, Drette and I were recruited.


>Some of you guys play in different bands at the same time (Solar Dawn, Unmoored…). What is your goal with Incapacity ? Is it a side-project or a real band ?
Incapacity is definately a full-time band! Yes, we all play in other bands, both that doesn\'t stop us to put our blood, sweat and tears into Incapacity. It\'s all about priority and for us, this band is high on the charts! The goal with the band is to put out more records and do some extensive touring (if we get the chance).


>Your first album (i didn’t heard it) "Chaos Complete" was released last year. How was it received by the fans & medias ?
It was actually very well recieved by the fans and the media. Especially if you consider that it\'s a debut-album. We got really high reviews almost everywhere. "9th Order Extinct" has however gotten even better reviews, it\'s great!


>Now your actuallity is your brand new cd which is called "9th Order Extinct". It seems you recorded it with Mieszko Talarzcyk at Soundlab studios ? Was it a good experience ? Didn’t Mieszko try to impose you some of his ideas ?
It was really kick-ass to record with Mieszko. He\'s an awesome guy and an amazing producer/engineer. It was very easy to work with him and he did

interview Incapacityn\'t try to impose any crazy ideas upon us, just sometimes ?. The production we got from Mieszko and Soundlab is the best we\'ve had so far. It\'s simply the best. it\'s fat, in your face and downright kick-ass!


>Why did you change your producer this time ? Were you a bit disappointed by Jonas Kjellgren’s previous work ?
No, it has nothing to do with Kjellgren. He is also a great guy and amazing to work with. Why we chose Soundlab this time was basically because we had a bigger budget and that we wanted to try out Mieszko\'s sound on our music. It was actually because we heard the latest Rotten Sound cd, "Murderworks", we chose his studio. A kick-ass album with a kick-ass production.


>Can you tell us more about "9th Order Extinct" writing process ? How do you work when it’s time to compose ?
The writing process in the band is pretty weird. Since we live quite far apart from each other we doesn\'t rehearse that often. So everyone writes music seperately and then later on present it to the rest of the band when we do rehearse. This may seem a bit strange and inconvinient, but this far it has actually worked out really great. We haven\'t had any problems at all.


>How do you decide that some riffs / melodies / texts are destined to Incapacity & not for your other bands ?
That is something you just feel. Now we know how Incapacity sounds. If someone write a new riff, they know when it\'s for Incapacity.


>What does mean this title "9th Order Extinct" ?
The angels are said to be divided into nine orders, where the ninth order is the highest. As you hear from the title, the 9th and highest order are erased. And I guess you can all imagine what occur when that happens, haha.


>Can you tell us more generally about your texts ? Who does write them ? What are your fave subjects ?
They are basically about religion and how masses of people are being sucked into believing all kinds of shit. Dread wrote almoast all the lyrics. In the end we play angry music and angry music demands angry lyrics. So I think these kind of lyrics fits our music really well. It gives the music that extra push!


>Incapacity is a mix between old-school death/thrash-metal & a more melodic swedish sound. What do you think about these brutal swedish bands like Insision, Vomitory or Immersed In Blood who play a US influenced styl

interview Incapacitye of death-metal ?
I\'m really into the US death-metal so I like them a lot. I have two albums with Vomitory and the latest Insision (recorded in Soundlab with Mieszko) sounds great! Another cool death-metal band from Sweden is Spawn Of Possesion. They are a bit more technical though.


>Who did draw your new album’s cover-artwork ?
It was Pär Johansson from Satariel & Torchbearer. His is really good at painting and we\'re very satisfied with the result he presented to us.


>Your logo is typically in the old-school way. Who’s responsible of it ?
It was actually Pär who did that one as well, hehe!


>Did you listen to the last Dismember album "Where Ironcrosses Grow" & the new Unleashed’s one "Sworn Allegiance" who will be released at the end of july ? What do you think about it/them ?
I\'ve listened to the new Dismember album a couple of times. It\'s ok, but not great. The first song (Where Ironcrosses Grow) are really cool, but the rest doesn\'t keep up with it. It\'s the best album I\'ve heard from them in years though. I haven\'t heard the new Unleashed album yet, maybe I have to give it a spin.


>Why did you choose Metal Blade as a label ?
We are actually still signed to Cold records (Sweden). The thing is that Cold records are nowadays a sub-label to Metal Blade. So we get our budget from Cold records and Metal Blade take care of pressing the album, releasing it and all the marketing. Metal Blade have been really great this far. Everything goes as planned and runs smoothely.


>Will you tour to promote your new album ? What are the bands you would like to share the tour ?
There are no extensive tours planned at the moment. We are however going to play a gig at Party-san open air festival in August. That will be really cool, since we\'ve never played a festival before. We are also going to do some gigs here in Sweden during the summer.


>Did you feel concerned by those recent european elections ?
I don\'t care to much about it, it\'s all completely fucked-up anyways.


>Now it’s time to leave, if you have something to add, don’t hesitate. I thank you very much for your answers !
Thanks a alot for your interest and be sure to check out our new album "9th Order Extinct" and stay brutal!

Interview done by DJ In Extremis

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