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Biografia : Tennessee Murder Club

Nameless & faceless, the 6 members of this club, or cult as many refer to them, have let little be known about their origins. Much like any urban myth, there has been many theories about their roots.

Rumors of toxic waste spills and trailer park fires that have caused facial deformities, circulate the internet. Many believe that after their first group kill, they let rats gnaw the victim’s blood on their fingers tips to erase the possibility of any future finger prints.

I have compiled some of the stories I have pieced together about the bloody roots of these maniacs.

When a clan of hillbilly pot farmers turn a misplaced barrel of chemical waste into a whiskey still, going blind was the least of their worries as the tainted moonshine turns them into blood thirsty maniacs! Any damn yankees that crossed the TMC path were served a down home feast of southern fried gore. When FBI Herbert West got hot onto their trail, the TMC decided it was time to relocate. South Dakota seemed like a good place to violate.

Sometimes we have to accept that some things just “are” and we have to deal with the reality that we may never know where these 6 criminals came from. One undisputed fact is pray you don’t ever cross their path and if you do…. run because their motto is “Better Living Through Killing!”

It's not that they hate people , they just like them better dead!

Source : myspace.com