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Biografia : Lost Legion

Forged in the spring of 1998, The Lost Legion was the brainchild of brothers Frank Xavier 'Swordmaster Decado' (lead & rhythm guitars, backing vocals) and Adam 'Battlemaster Dace' Allain (rhythm guitars, backing vocals). Initially christened 'The Clan of Steel', a name chosen as the banner under which this musical troupe will embark, the borthers Allain set to create heroic heavy metal songs inspired from great literary works of the fantasy genre, particularly the works of David GemmellLost Legion, fusing elements of classic metal bands like Manowar and Judas Priest with contemporary acts such as Blind Guardian.

Work on a profusion of ideas begins immediately, despite extraordinary limitations of resources: a cassette 4-track, a guitar and a keyboard is all there is to hand. This first cassette sets the blueprint for what was to follow. Songs crafted during this era such as ‘Blademaster' and the band anthem ‘The Clan of Steel' still form a core part of The Lost Legion's repertoire today.

This opus is swiftly followed by the concept EP ‘The Wanderers Tale'Lost Legion, a story of one man's struggle to come to terms with his past and his inevitable destiny. An ambitious and passionate work, the brothers' efforts are once again hamstrung by the limited availability of technology and the requirement of multitasking (Dace handling lead vocals and bass duties with Decado covering guitars, MIDI drums and backing vocals; Choirs contributed to by Adam 'Nogusta' Bruno, a member departed in 1998). Nevertheless, the extraordinary breadth of vision behind the Clan is cleraly demonstrated. Decado delivers melodies that fire the soul with passion and purpose. His solos are emotionally charged and empowering as the warrior's call before battle. However, for years the project is left aside until the time is ripe…

Enter Mark 'Shadak the Merciless' Harrington (bass guitar) and Tom 'Connavar the Demonblade' Williams (lead & backing vocals): Two men of shared vision who realise the potential contained within those early recordings regularly and longingly listened to by the Dace and Decado. The brothers are urged to revitalise the project, to bring about the band that always threatened to be. The concept of 'The Clan of Steel' becomes a serious pursuit, and the band proper is formed. Allegiance is pledged and where once were two now there are four.

The energetic bassplaying talents of Shadak firmly entrench within the fold. A bassline that delivers deep within the body and mind the substance of the Clan's music is achieved. The backbone of the Clan sound is thus constructed between Shadak and Dace as the latter switches to rhythm guitar to add further texture to the Clan sound. The driving and absolving element of the Clan is conusmated with absolute perfection with Dace setting the grim pace of battle with his solid and intricate rhythm guitar work. Dace envisions and furnishes perfectly the frame set between the opposing elements of Shadak and Decado, drawing together and expanding the musical elements in a unique manner. In Connavar, The Clan of Steel has found their powerful, passionate voice and soaring frontman. A man whose resounding vocalisation with its singular texture delivers with ardor and epochal emotion the epic lyrical content.

Soon, the brotherhood is completed when Sterghios 'Grymauch the Hammer of the North' Moschos (drums and percussion), powerhouse percussionist and final member of this host, emerges as the man to take charge the drum throne. A feverish metal fanatic, he responds to the call with might and fervor, delivering justly to the rhythm section the hammering and explosive element required. The line-up of 'The Clan of Steel' is complete.

It is during this period that it is decided to change the name of the band to reflect this new dawn. Following much deliberation, 'The Lost Legion' arises as the appropriate name to encapsulate many of the element's that make up the band's sound:

Heroism and tragedy, exultance and sorrow, the clamour of battle and the deathly calm that follows.

The ride to Glory or Death.

Source : http://www.myspace.com/thelostlegion