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Biografia : Grave Siesta

Formed in late 2009 by Rite guitarist Sami and drummer Juha to pass the time during the Rite hiatus. They were soon joined by bassist Mikko and started jamming along old Black Sabbath and Danzig tunes before crafting new songs. Vocalist Taito was recruited via a short Internet ad in February 2010 and after a few embarassing rehearsals the band started hitting it off and the name Grave Siesta stuck. Style-wise the band combines elements from sweaty and snotty rock'n'roll, doom, sludge and heaviest metal. Lyrically the material covers everyday phenomena such as time travel, demonic forest creatures and the full spectrum of human emotions, namely hate, envy and loss. First demo, imaginatively entitled Demo 2010, was recorded in June in Musahotelli rehearsal place by band acquintance Jussi Virtanen

Source : myspace.com