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Biografia : Diabolical (PAR)

Originated in Paraguay, DIAVOLICAL was formed in early 1993 under the name of "Black Ritual", that later became known as Diabolic Cult. The band kept forming their own style and identified themselves as Black Metal, that is how in September 1994 they changed their name permanentley into “DIAVOLICAL”.

The members are Naxhyr (Guitars), Bahlhyx (Vocals) and Hashtur (Dormant) behind the drums. Later, after realizing some live presentations, Hashtur (Dormant) dropped out of the band in November 1995 and was replaced by a drummer, known as Zarthaz. Five months later, a guitarist named D.A. joined the band and worked on new songs and improved their classics.

After many band practices and live performances, they decided to record a demo with two tracks, for promotion. The demos were sent to fanzines and record labels, that is how in 1996 they recorded their debut album “Dominus Infernal”, in IODI studios with Quique Calabrese with engineered sound.
Between July and November later, they were contacted by STORMSOULS record label. In that moment, they were registering their first professional recording that became their debut album. Then, finally, signed their contract for “Dominus Infernal” as the album title.

Inspite of that, they continued with more live performances to show their musical direction. Between 1997 and 1998, there were changes in the band so they only gave two live performances and there was a delay in their album release.

Meanwhile Stormsouls became ICARUS, after contacting the band in August 1999, “Dominus Infernal” was released with bonus tracks of pure Black Metal. Their style resembles artists like IMMORTAL and BURZUM. Their new album was presented with SABAOTH at the “Ferrockarril” and became sold-out.

Just like it ocurred in November 13th 2004 celebrating their “Ten Years Of Madness” show with some local bands. As considered as a exotic country, Paraguay has DIAVOLICAL and SABAOTH to offer as a treat to elements of extreme sounds of darkness

* ACTUAL MEMBERS - (2008) ;
- Bahlhyx : Vocals
- Zarthaz : Drums & Percussion
- Naxhyr : Guitars
- Gammadion : Guitars/Bass

- Hashtur : Drums (1993/1995)
- Victor Sarria : Guitars (1995)
- John Abad : Bass (1995)
- Gniwre : Guitars & Vocals (1999/2000)
- D.A. : Guitars (1996/2008)

Source : http://www.myspace.com/diavolical