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Biografia : Dark

"Lord Dark was a project where I just played random notes, trying to do black/death/thrash metal, It didn't have any technic at all, it was just me, being edgy and trying to express my sadness and anger, I just couldn't find any other form to express myself.

As my biggest influences at that time, I could say that Mayhem and DarkThrone were the biggest ones, but I also had some influences from Behemoth and Cannibal Corpse, but I wasn't technical at all, I didn't even know how the f*ck I had to play the guitar, I didn't even find my style or amp tone, I didn't explore or find my own sound. About the guturals or shrieks, It was just me yelling out and destroying the sh*t outta my throat. I have matured a lot since last year and right now I'm with other projects with bass, guitar and singing, so in the future, you can spect to hear me in a pagan death/black metal band, just wait for it.

Actually, there are a few songs that I liked, like Thy End, I hope someday I can learn how to play it again, 'cause I think that song is the better sh*t I've ever composed

I've got to thank the ones who listened to my anger and liked it, without it having any technic or harmony. You can follow me on my social media, so you'll find about my new projects, about what I'm doing right now.

By now, I'm going to lie this project to rest, If someday I decide to retake it, I promise you it will be far better, and probably with more instruments haha." -Lord Dark, 26/10/2018

Lord Dark was formed in 2017 by a guy who was exploring his horizonts with an instrument, It helped him to grow up, and to see all his possibilities. Sköll, the former and only member of Lord Dark, decided to leave the proyect to rest the day 26/10/2018, because he has a lot of new projects.

Source : Lord Dark Himself.