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Biografia : Cemetery Urn

Cemetery Urn was formed in the Australian summer 2006 in Melbourne, Australia, by Andrew Gillon (Abominator, Bestial Warlust) and Damon Bloodstorm (Corpse Molestation/Bestial Warlust, Abominator, Kutabare). During many….many meetings at the bar throughout 2005 a dark vision of a new band was evolving. Through the alcoholic haze, a new force in Melbourne Death Metal was emerging. As Andrew was about to enter the studio to complete the recording of the forth devastating full length offering from Abominator, the now complete vision was put on ice until Andrews recording commitments were done. The songwriting commenced in February of 2006 and was then put on hold for 5 weeks in May/June when the blokes embarked on a mission to the U.S. to absorb as much Metal and alcohol as humanly possible. Just prior to the trip the blokes had a chance meeting at a party with an old comrade and drummer in Matt 'Skitz' Sanders (Damaged, Terrorust, Sadistic Execution, Destroyer, Hellspawn, Funerary Pit, Abramelin, Blood Duster, Noir Macabre). After being told of the darkened vision of death being conjured, was instantly recruited to Command the drums. The tracking commenced February 2007 at Three Phase studio’s in Melbourne, under the guidance of Engineer/Producer Sam Johnston. The line-up on the recording is, A. Gillon – Guitar and Bass, D. Bloodstorm – Vocals, Matt ‘Skitz’ Sanders - Drum’s. Mixing completed June ’07, by Sam Johnson and Andrew Gillon, at Three Phase Studio. Around this time another chance meeting at a Celtic Frost show in Melbourne, saw the addition of another old comrade Squiz on Bass (Fridge, Drednought, Mustang, Vicious Circle). In July 2007 the band secured world wide distro through Modern Invasion Australia. Cemetery Urn, from the outset, was created as an independent entity and remains as such to this day. Metal on.

Source : https://www.last.fm/music/Cemetery+Urn/+wiki