Lucas Yoshiyuki

Nome Lucas Yoshiyuki
Birth date 10 Junho 1993
País Brazil
Cidade Goiânia


From 2020 The Band's Page

Hello everyone! My name is Lucas Yoshiyuki, and I'm here to share a relaxed chat about music. I'm a Brazilian bassist and piano enthusiast, passionate about the world of rock and metal.

When it comes to music genres, Power Metal holds a special place in my heart. The energy, exciting riffs, and epic lyrics of this style are a constant source of inspiration for me. The combination of captivating melodies and virtuosic performances in this genre truly fascinates me.

Currently, I have a Power Metal band called Valk.

However, my passion for rock and metal extends beyond Power Metal alone. I find inspiration in all the branches of these music genres. Classic rock, with its distinctive guitars and incredible solos, evokes a sense of nostalgia for me.

As a bassist, I admire and seek influences from great figures in the instrument. Steve Harris from Iron Maiden is one of my biggest idols. His ability to create powerful and melodic bass lines is truly inspiring. Additionally, I am also captivated by the techniques of bassists like Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers and Geddy Lee from Rush. They have a unique and innovative approach that pushes the boundaries of the instrument.

Speaking of the piano, this instrument captivates me in various ways. It allows me to explore melody and harmony in a more complete manner. I am fascinated by virtuoso pianists like Jordan Rudess from Dream Theater and Yanni, who combine technical proficiency with captivating emotional expression.

Apart from music, I am also a language enthusiast. I speak English, German, and have an interest in Japanese and French. This linguistic passion also influences my musical appreciation. Exploring music in different languages allows me to discover new artists and immerse myself in different musical cultures.

I hope you enjoyed this musical chat! Sharing my passion for music, my influences, and characteristics with all of you has been truly exciting. Remember to always seek new musical experiences and keep your ears open to discover sonic treasures. Thank you!