Xandria : Départ de Dianne van Giersbergen

Poniedziałek 18 Wrzesień 2017 - 10:07:24 by Castou

Après plusieurs annulations de concerts (pour de raison de santé de Dianne ?) et l'annonce la semaine dernière d'Aeva Maurelle comme chanteuse en remplacement temporaire pour compléter les concerts déjà prévus par Xandria, on apprend le départ définitif de la chanteuse.

En effet, elle a annoncé (ça date déjà un peu...) son départ, avec beaucoup d'émotion sur sa page Facebook. La nouvelle est confirmée sur la page de Xandria.


The moment I promised you and me that would never come is here: I am leaving Xandria. And the reason is simple: staying in the band would cause further damage to the health problems the band has caused me.

For nearly 2 years now I’ve been trying to put band and management issues on the table, with the sole reason to keep this band healthy, together and ready for the future. Today I am sad to say that my attempts failed and have been ignored, that my cries for help have been met with financial threats and emotional extortion and that my persistence to keep on going, ignoring all the warning signs, has left me with uncontrollable stress symptoms (confirmed by doctors). I am a fighter, but I’ve come to see that this is one I cannot win. I don’t want to leave, I love the music that I got to write for you - which is 100% me - but I can’t live, can’t perform, can simply not exist in an environment that harms me. This environment does not care for me nor for the fans (even proposed me to playback in order to do more shows in a row) and somehow miraculously never generated any financial outcome and therefore no stability for any of its band members.

Yesterday evening the last hope I had of ever reconciling with the boys was shattered when they made a statement announcing that ‘I’ could not perform with the band anymore, forgetting to mention that I am in this unhealthy position because of Xandria & management. Not surprisingly they also already have a replacement for me and kicked me out of every Xandria social media page. With that they’ve send me one last clear message: they are not interested in fixing the situation nor are they willing to support me if that means (partly) stepping away from the business perspective (quote: ‘we are not friends’) which leads me to conclude what I know now: it is time for me to close this chapter and wish them the best of luck in continuing the band I loved so much.

Now, I don’t know where we will meet again, but I didn’t follow my passion, study all those hours and travel all those roads to simply give up. I’m sad to close this chapter, but I’m sure there will be another one to write. In the meantime I will be focussing on what does make me happy and I will be posting my daily business and updates on my Precious Metal Jewelry and Ex Libris stuff as usual. I very much hope to see you online so we can stay in touch and who knows, maybe one day in an audience again.

Thank you all for understanding, for your love and support!

I am forever grateful ♡



Dear all,

Some bad and some good news, folks:

Starting with the bad news first: It comes with grief and sadness that our singer Dianne cannot perform with us for the time being.

Sometimes these things are beyond your own power and there is a life offside the stages of the world which requires appropriate attention, so please bear with us.

This unfortunately also means that we have to cancel the upcoming Russia shows in Moscow and St. Petersburg as well as the following US tour in the end of September and October.

We are already working on new dates for these stretches, yet can’t determine an exact time window by now already.

Please stay alerted for ticket-return info in here and where you purchased your tickets.

As for short term solutions: Our dear friend Aeva Maurelle (https://de-de.facebook.com/aevamaurelleofficial/) of our buddies from alternative metal band Aeverium - Official Site will step in to rock with us the European dates in November and December. Please welcome Aeva (https://www.instagram.com/aevamaurelle/) with a warm applause. We will make these shows nights to remember for you all! Ticketlink: https://xandria.merchcowboy.com/tickets. Can't wait to see you out there!

Source : https://www.facebook.com/diannevangiersbergenofficial/


MacedonianKing - 18 Wrzesień 2017 à 11:52:00

çà change souvent de chanteuse chez Xandria quand même. Ma préférée c'était Manuela, c'était avec elle qu'ils avaient fait leur meilleur album.

bloodomens - 18 Wrzesień 2017 à 18:51:05

dommage que Manuela ne retourne pas avec eux car neverworld's end était très bon.Quoi qu'il en soit je ne m'inquiète pas en ce qui concerne la composition des prochains titres.


Theodrik - 18 Wrzesień 2017 à 19:44:02

C'est dommage, j'aimais bien Diane comme chanteuse. C'est d'ailleurs elle qui m'avait donné envie de me pencher sur le groupe. Bien que oui, Manuela était une très bonne chanteuse et "Neverworld's End" était très bon. N'empêche, si ce que Diane décrit est vrai, si on a vraiment fait peu de cas de ses problèmes de santé et qu'on lui a proposé de faire du play-back pour ne pas annuler de shows et perdre de l'argent (au prix d'une perte de crédibilité, car ça se serait forcément vu...), ça dit beaucoup de choses sur certaines personnes dans cette industrie... 

Meretseger - 18 Wrzesień 2017 à 20:26:40

Je n'avais aucun intérêt pour ce groupe avant elle donc j'ai vraiment hâte de l'entendre à nouveau ailleurs !! (elle m'avait réconciliée avec le sympho.... )

Et vu ce qu'elle décrit, je ne vais certainement pas m'acharner à essayer d'apprécier leur future chanteuse ahah ! Vraiment une belle bande de batards.

Enfin bon, si au passage elle en profite pour trouver un groupe mieux que Xandria ça fera pas de mal o/


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