White Wizzard : La fin...

Sobota 05 Maj 2018 - 15:56:41 by MetalHeadbanger

Alors que White Wizzard a sorti il y a peu son quatrième album, Infernal Overdrive, Jon Leon, bassiste et leader du groupe, a décidé de mettre fin au groupe, annonce faite sur leur page Facebook. Cette nouvelle est d'autant plus surprenante que le groupe venait de dévoiler leur dernier clip, Chasing Dragons, et prévoyait des dates en Angleterre cet été.

"Well the time has come.

I started White Wizzard in late 2007 a little over 10 years ago. With the first line up we crafted a great EP that sadly had too much talent in one band to last….. From there….I wrote 4 full length albums I am very proud of and had some fantastically talented musicians  that played on them. Regardless of the internet bullshit written about me or the band, it was formed in the spirit of the music I loved and  nothing more.

It has always been about the music to me.

I feel all of our work has been world class and not only do I feel it is the best and most consistent in the “classic metal revival” genre so to speak… But I feel our last and final album Infernal Overdrive can hang with anything put out the past 20 years in rock and metal. I am very proud of the work this project has done. I feel it can and will stand the test of time.

But time does pass and some things run their course. So unfortunately I have to announce that White Wizzard is over. There will be no more albums or live shows. The last album is it. I am glad we got to do it. I am proud of the latest video for Chasing Dragons and I wish all members of the band past and present well in their musical and personal journeys. For me, a new ticket and a new ride must be bought and taken.  So as this journey ends, a new one begins. This will be my last post about this. It is time to end Jon Leon as well. Keep making music and loving it, because there is not much else in this world that is as real and special.  

All the best and to the fans, thank you.

Jon Leon"


Source : https://www.facebook.com/WhiteWizzard/


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