Vengeance (NL) : Nouvel album

Niedziela 01 Wrzesień 2013 - 15:27:05 by rhinobucket75

Le groupe de heavy Metal néerlandais Vengeance sortira son prochain album (qui s'intitule "Piece of Cake") le 28 octobre prochain (le 25 octobre en Allemagne et le 5 Novembre aux USA et au Canada) via Steamhammer/SPV.

Selon le guitariste Timo Somers "  "The songs are a nice blend of old school Vengeance (think Arabia) and some more modern sounding songs. This time the instrumental side of the band is really outspoken, it features a lot of nice intros, solos and instrumental pieces. And to top it off, Leon (Goewie, vocals) sounds better than ever."

L'artwork de "Piece of Cake" :
 Helix Singer To Debut Solo Band In November

Source :


SvartalyS - 14 Październik 2013 à 21:20:11
une bonne nouvelle!
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