Grand Design : Rawk

Wtorek 28 Marzec 2023 - 19:01:12 by PERMAFROST

Grand Design sortira le 21 Avril prochain, son nouvel album ''Rawk'' chez GMR Music Group


1. Tuff It Out

2. God Bless Rawk n Roll

3. Love or a Fantasy

4. Your Luv is Drivin’ Me Crazy

5. Desperate Hearts

6. Dangerous Attraction

7. We Were Born To Rawk n Roll

8. Carry On My Wind (feat Erik Grawsiö, Månegarm and Veith Offenbächer, Dawn of Destiny)

9. Give It All Up For Luv

10. Get Out

11. In the H.E.A.T. of the Nite


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