Logical Terror (en)

In a country where it is hard to play Metal when you are a young band, and where it is difficult to find labels, the members Logical Terror do all they can to catch one's chance by offering us a very dynamic and catchy music. Meeting with the sympathic singer SIC, who teaches us a lot about his band and his debut album "Almost Human".

interview Logical TerrorMataï: Hello SIC! Can you introduce your band Logical Terror for those who don't know you yet?
SIC: Well the project was born during 2009, and take his name by the main concept that is behind the theme and lyrics of debut album "Almost Human". We started to work at our first debut album with dysFUNCTION Productions, during the same year, and we passed over an year working on pre-production and artistic stuff about the album. The two guys of dysFUNCTION's team can to point out all our skills, and they got a professional look to the album, and an original touch too with electronics and orchestrations composition.

Mataï: The electronic have a great importance in the whole album, how did you manage to make all that stuff? There are a lot of samples too.

SIC: Yes it's right, we would let the album sounds in a different way, as usual modern metal albums; we are influenced by new style of Heavy Metal, and Nu metal sounds of European and American bands too, but in this stuff we used electronic composition taken by different music sound, like Prodigy for example. We mixed two different attitudes, and we think that the final result is original and different

Dualized worked on the all electronic stuff, and final mix; he recently worked with famous names as Logan Mader, involved in soundtracks composition too, so we knew that he was able to make real what we would like to experiment, and explore a new wave of metal sound. We like to use massive killer beats!

Mataï: And now you have signed with Reality Entertainment !

SIC: Yes, we recently got in touch with the american label Reality Entertainment for a digital release of the album.

Mataï: It must be a chance for you, given that big bands have signed with them like Sybreed...
SIC: Yes sure, Sybreed, Godhead, WASP and others; it's nice for us have a chance to release immediatly our first album with him, and spread our name all around, and in the States for first. Sure it's the first State that could be important about the music market, but it can also help us to be noticed in Europe, and our country too.

Mataï: The sound seems quite close to the one of Sybreed, especially the guitars...
SIC: Honestly I would say that bands as Sybreed or Fear Factory, are only some bands that we like, and we take ispiration, but we don't want copy or follow as example. We are looking to improve our personal musical brand, because we found a lot of reviews talking about this similar influences, and sometimes it takes away from our real sound. It's normal, and for us it's one of step where we have to work hard, in order to see in future that our sound it's really LT's style.

Mataï: And yet we can also find similarities with Scar Symmetry and Soilwork with this little aspect of modern melodic death metal and these vocal alternances.
SIC: Yes, the only difference is that we are two singer, and this gives more groove on live shows.

Mataï: Is this a way for you to show two personalities?
SIC: As well for sure; me and Emi have two differents personalities like screaming style, and Emi can change his voice while singing melodies tracks, so we have a lot of way to express lyrics and emotions.

Mataï: For sure, especially when we hear those different voices like synthetic/r
interview Logical Terrorobotic voices like in “Self Extinction”
SIC: Self Extinction is maybe the most complex song, about vocal lines; we introduced cyber vocals and the main line changes ever from clean to aggressive, as the same track too, maybe touching the highest point in terms of sound exploration.

Mataï: Yes, it is not very common and I think that this song is very well made
SIC: Probably it's not the favourite song for classic fans of heavy meytal ahaha

Mataï: But it would attract fans of Industrial Metal and of course Cyber Metal
SIC: Yes it's a way to increase our listeners, but at the same time it's hard keep all attract by our album, because it's not a metal album, but not a complete industrial album too, so it's ideal for all fans of modern metal, and all bands that defined the 90' in the metal music.

Ourself can't easly define a specific kind of genre to describe our sound, but it's the first way to say: "it's sounds like Logical Terror!

Mataï: It’s clear that it is difficult to describe the genre, your music is original because you put various elements together that complexify your album, and make it sound like Cyber Metal
SIC: Thanks a lot!

Mataï: Can you talk about the concept ? Relationship between man and machine, virtual/real life, nature against humanity...
SIC: Yes exactly....Almost Human is a concept album, which lyrics are based on a cyber punk story.

Every track can be considered as a chapter, where man fights against the future, he becomes the prey, and nature the hunter; with the futuristic upcoming hera, all moral codes are beeing deleted, and what we created to help ourself in the life, is coming our first enemy that must be killed to survive.

Man realize that is not the world he created in the origin, and maybe now it's too late to control it.

At the end of this virtual story, man find the way to save his soul, but he don't know if it's forever.

Yes, it's better defined what we say "a future not so far away", and it's what is really happening now....we changed the nature for our scopes and money, and now in every part of the world we have natural and chemical disasters, Internet it's not more only a rapid way to inform people, it's also a problem for markets as music...it's only what we're risking to create.

Mataï: So we can describe it as an anticipation album?
SIC: More or less yes

Mataï: Who wrote the lyrics?
SIC: Me, Emi and Dualized too. We have also been helped by a friend that wrote a complete story board, and than we used it as guide line to write the original lyrics for every song.

Mataï: And who composed the songs?
SIC: Songs has been composed by us and guys of dysFUNCTION togheter. We know them from a lot of time, so it was liked they have been part of the band during songwriting process

Mataï: You have recently signed with clothes brands like Liquid Militia or Serial Drummer, can you say more about that? Do you think it is important for you to have the support of those brands?
SIC: With Liquid Militia we are in contact from an year, and we working with us to increase our visibility in the States, and until now it seems work good. Our sound it's also used in soundtracks for extreme sports, and they are
interview Logical Terrora brand for extreme water sports. Serial Drummer is our last partnership, and we are very glad that our drummer joined their rooster among famous act as Tim Yeung and more.

Mataï: What do you think about Italian Industrial Metal scene? It seems that there are not a lot of bands of this genre, personnally I only know T3chn0ph0b1a and Icycore...
SIC: Yes it's not so famous, we have only Dope Star Inc. that reached success out of Italy, special in Germany and Russia...

Mataï: Yes, you told me a few days ago that it was difficult to Italian bands to find labels...
SIC: Find labels but find a way to become important too. It's hard play metal music and sell albums in Italy, so if we are not a major band where we live, it's more difficoult have a space among the all foreign metal bands.

Mataï: And from Italy, how do you see the French Metal scene in general?
SIC: I see that few bands as Dagoba or Eyeless are going to play a lot of important shows, but I don't know if the real situation is different as in Italy...

Mataï: The fact is that in France there are more labels, like the very famous Season of Mist...
SIC: Yes I know the label, even if they are chancing his preferences and kind of bands too, because now it's difficoult for a record label put on a new comer, it's more simple sign a famous band, and have easy money.

Mataï: Have you projects planned? Any shows?
SIC: We have some shows planned after the released date of the album, and than we are looking to start some new pre-production for new stuff, I think before the end of this year.

Mataï: Are you satisfied of the result finally?
SIC: We are of sure I think that we will change something for the new album, but it will be a normal evolution, more aggressive stuff, but modern and with killer electronic samples too.

Mataï: What are the bands you are listening to in general?
SIC: We recently like bands as Threath Signal, Periphery, Mnemic and classic acts as SYL and more, we listen a lot of music and metal bands. We are also influenced by Pitchshifter, a 90's band.

Mataï: In general, what do you want to integrate in your music? What is the most important element for you?
SIC: We would try to upgrade a new level of symphonies and melodies, the aggressive skin it's easier to approach I think.

Mataï: What does the cover represent?
SIC: Well the cover is a futuristic representation of the evolution, in specific that even if time changes (you can see 3 differents kind of hera), morals and what is important for man, and nature of things never change; so it chances materials, from stone, to iron and than modern material, but the pyramid it's the same

Mataï: Personnally I was thinking about the nature hierarchy
SIC: In this case it represent the Monad too, the only place, house, where man can stay far from desease of generation

Mataï: This is the end of the interview, it was nice talking with you, now if you have something to add, this for you...
SIC: No, that's all, we've already talked a lot!

Anyway, thanks for the interview and don't hesitate to listen to our debut album "Almost Human"!
Interview done by Matai

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