Kaledon will open XX ANNIVERSARY SHOW

Wydarzenia daty Piątek 12 Październik 2018
Wydarzenia miejsca Jailbreak LiveClub
Adres IT
Miasto Rome
Cena -


Symphonic power

Frozen Crown

Melodic Power

Kaledon is an heavy/power metal band from Rome, born in 1998 from a concept by lead guitarist Alex Mele. The original line-up was composed by Alex Mele (guitar), Tommy Nemesio (guitar), Paolo Lezziroli (bass guitar), Dario Sacco (drums), Anthony Drago (voice).

Earlier this morning the band posted that will open the XX ANNIVERSARY SHOW that will take place on 12 Oct. 2018 at the Jailbreak LiveClub Roma, Italy.


Posted for Heavy Metal OTD Promotion Network