Huginns Awakening Fest VII

Wydarzenia daty Sobota 20 Maj 2023
Wydarzenia miejsca Aceg Wellington Hippodroom Oostende
Adres Koningin Astridlaan 10
Miasto Oostende, West Flanders
Cena € 45


Thrash Metal

Exciter (CAN)

Speed Heavy

Holy Moses

Thrash Metal

Angelus Apatrida

Thrash Metal


Thrash Metal


Thrash Metal

Gama Bomb

Thrash Speed

Ambush (SWE)

Heavy Metal

Bütcher (BEL)

Speed Metal

Lethal Injury

Thrash Metal

Violent Sin

Speed Metal

Doors: 11u30 - 01u30
First band begins: 12u00 | Last band ends: 01u00 | Last drink: 01u15
Damage: € 30/35 (presale) | € 45 (at the door)
Boozebags limited: € 26 for 10 tokens (presale) | € 30 for 10 tokens (at the door)

Presale tickets: